Advanced Product Search

Advanced searching using the Product list

The advanced search mode gives you more control over your search by allowing you to construct a detailed query. To perform an advanced search, click the Search toggle in the upper-left corner of the Product list screen. You can switch a basic search to an advanced search, but you cannot switch an advanced search back to a basic search.

A query consists of the following sections:

  • query describes the data to be searched for and filters to be applied to results.
  • sort (optional) describes the sorting of search results.
  • pagination (optional) describes the pagination of search results.

Query objects

A query object consists of the following:

  • A compound expression wrapper, in this example or.
  • A query expression, in this example, fullText. You can use more than one query expression per query.
  • A set of query fields. The field and value fields are required, whereas the other fields are optional.
"query": {
"or": [
"fullText": {
"field": "",
"value": "DNKY"

Compound expressions

A compound expression is the outermost layer of a query and indicates how the query expressions inside the query are evaluated in relation to each other.

"query": {
"and": [ // This is the compound expression

You can use the following compound expressions:

  • and: only matches Products that match all query expressions.
  • or: matches Products that match at least one query expression.
  • not: matches Products that do not match any query expressions.

For example, the following query only matches Product Variants with a price of 222.20 Euro. Hence, the currencyCode must be EUR and the centAmount must be 2222.

"query": {
"and": [
"exact": {
"field": "variants.prices.currencyCode",
"value": "EUR"
"exact": {
"field": "variants.prices.centAmount",
"value": 2222

Query expressions

A query expression wraps the actual data of a query and defines how a search is conducted.

"query" {
"or": [
"exact": { //This is a query expression
"fullText": { //This is a query expression

You can use the following types:

  • fullText
  • exact
  • prefix
  • range
  • wildcard
  • exists


A fullText query performs full-text searches of fields. Full-text searches use the fields specified in the Query body and have the option of using the mustMatch field.

For example, the following query searches for Products that have either green or handbag in their name. Hence, Products with the name yellow handbag and green shoes match.

"query": {
"fullText": {
"field": "name",
"language": "en",
"value": "green handbag",
"mustMatch": "any"


Anexact query searches for exact values only. Exact searches use the fields specified in the Query body and have the option of using the caseInsensitive field.

For example, the following query returns any SKU that exactly matches the value field. Hence, Chiquita_yellow_123 and chiquita_YELLOW_123 match, but not chiquita_yellow_1234.

"query": {
"exact": {
"field": "variants.sku",
"value": "chiquita_yellow_123",
"caseInsensitive": true


A prefix query searches for values of fields that begin with the specified prefix. Prefix searches use the fields specified in the Query body and have the option of using the caseInsensitive field.

For example, the following search returns Products that begin with commerceto. Hence, Products that begin with commerce do not match.

"query": {
"prefix": {
"field": "variants.attributes.brand",
"attributeType": "text",
"value": "commerceto",
"caseInsensitive": true


A range query only matches values between specified boundaries and works with date and number values. Range queries use the following fields:

  • field - String - Required
    Any DateTime field, like lastModifiedAt

  • gte - DateTime - Optional
    Lower bound of the range query. If omitted, the query body must have an lte specified and searches from the lte date backwards.

  • lte - DateTime - Optional
    Upper bound of the range query. If omitted, the query body must have a gte specified and searches from the gte date forwards.

For example, the following query searches for Products last modified between 25 August 2019 and 26 August 2019.

"query": {
"range": {
"field": "lastModifiedAt",
"gte": "2019-08-25T12:00:00.000Z",
"lte": "2019-08-26T12:00:00.000Z"


A wildcard query searches for values of fields that match the specified wildcard expression. Wildcard searches use the fields specified in the Query body and have the option of using the caseInsensitive field.

In wildcard searches, the following characters have a special meaning when used as a part of the value:

  • * for one or more characters
  • $ for exactly one character.
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"field": "name",
"value": "ki*y"
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"field": "name",
"value": "kit$y",
"caseInsensitive": true


A exists query searches for fields that have a non-null value. The only field required is field.

"query": {
"exists": {
"field": "name"

Query body

A query expression can use the following fields in its body:

  • field - String - Required
    The name of the field to search for. For more information, see Searchable fields.

  • value - String - Required
    The value to search for.

  • language - String - Optional
    An IETF language tag. Use only when searching for Product data in a specific language.

  • attributeType - String - Optional
    The Attribute type. Use only when the field specified is a Product Variant Attribute (product.attribute.<attribute-name>). Allowed values are:

    • text, set_text
    • boolean, set_boolean
    • ltext, set_ltext
    • enum
    • lenum
    • number, set_number
    • money, set_money
    • date, set_date
    • time, set_time
    • datetime, set_datetime
    • reference, set_reference
  • boost - Number - Optional
    Makes a query expression count more towards the relevance score in relation to other query expressions.

  • mustMatch - String - Optional
    Use with fullText searches only. It can either be any or all.

    • If you use all, and search with a value of yellow car, the full text search matches Products that have both yellow and car anywhere in the searched field.
    • If you use any, the full text search matches Products that have yellow or car in the searched field.
  • caseInsensitive - Boolean - Optional
    Use with exact, prefix and wildcard searches only. If true, the search is treated as case insensitive. For example, a case insensitive search for Yellow Car matches a field with yellow car.

Searchable fields

You can access any direct field of a Product Projection, Product Type or Attribute definition, or a sub-field of a referenced or nested object in some cases.

The field accessed must be a JSON data type. The only exception is LocalizedString fields, which are treated differently.

You can access any field on a ProductProjection, which is:

  • a simple JSON data type, such as id or key.
  • a field on a referenced type or array of a type, such as variants.sku, or
  • a LocalizedString. If so, use the language field to specify the language to be searched in.
  • a field on a Product Variant Price, accessed using the format variants.prices.currencyCode, where currencyCode is the field accessed.
  • a Product Variant Attribute, accessed using variants.attributes.<attribute_name>. If so, use the attributeType field to specify the attribute type.

You can access any field on a ProductType, which is:

  • a simple JSON data type, such as id or key.
  • a LocalizedString. If so, use the language field to specify the language to search in.
  • Any field on an AttributeDefinition, accessed using or attributes.label, where name and label are the fields being accessed.

boost field

When you provide more than one query expression to a query, the boost field adds more importance to a query result than the others.

For example, in the following query, results that have butter in the name field are more important than those that have butter in the description field.

"query": {
"or": [
"fullText": {
"field": "name",
"language": "en",
"value": "butter",
"boost": 2
"fullText": {
"field": "description",
"language": "en",
"value": "butter"


A query can have a filter section. The filter contains fullText, exact, or prefix query expressions, as described above, and filters for the field described. All sub-expressions contained in a filter are connected with and logic. All sub-expressions of query count towards the score except for filter.

"query": {
"and": [
... //query expressions here
"filter": [
"exact": {
"field": "",
"value": "cd2c2b6b"


A query can have the optional sort object after it. The sort object defines how the query is sorted and displayed in the Product List.

The sort object contains the following:

  • field - String - Required
    The name of the field to sort by. For more information, see Searchable fields. You can also use the internal field score, in addition to the internal field set to true, to sort by the weighted score.

  • order - String - Required
    The sort order. Can either be asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

  • mode - String - Optional
    The sort mode to use. Allowed values are:

    • min: uses the minimum of all available values.
    • max: uses the maximum of all available values.
    • avg: uses the average of all available values.
    • sum: uses the sum of all available values.
  • attributeType - String - Optional
    The attribute type. Use only when the field is a Product Attribute.

  • internal - Boolean - Optional
    Set this to true when field is set to score.

"query": {
"sort": {
"field": "name",
"order": "desc"


A query can have the optional pagination information that includes the following fields:

  • limit - Number - Required
    Set the upper limit of items to return.

  • offset - Number - Required
    Set the offset from which the query is evaluated.

Query object examples

Find products with a specific price:

"query": {
"and": [
"exact": {
"field": "variants.prices.currencyCode",
"value": "EUR"
"exact": {
"field": "variants.prices.centAmount",
"value": 2222

Find a product with a shirtColor attribute value of Green:

"query": {
"fullText": {
"field": "variants.attributes.shirtColor",
"value": "Green",
"attributeType": "set_text"