Developer Tutorials Overview

commercetools platform tutorials

These tutorials shall help you to get familiar with the commercetools platform and its underlying concepts enabling you to master the platform's capabilities. Our tutorials focus on typical e-commerce use cases you would like to realize with the commercetools platform.

This section covers API and platform level tutorials targeted at developers. Merchant Center users can find step-by-step guides in the Merchant Center Documentation Section.

Getting Started with the platform

For you being able to try out the tutorials you need to have access to a commercetools platform account. How you can get your commercetools platform account is described in Getting Started. After that you should be able to do your first steps with the API along the HTTP API Tutorial.

GDPR Support

How commercetools supports merchants to be compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is explained in the:

Products and ProductTypes

Custom Types and Fields


Review Ratings

Mobile and Browser Endpoints

Guest Checkout

API Extensions


Shipping Methods

Store and Product Selections

Multiple Shipping Addresses


Best Practices

Product Modeling


The commercetools platform provides us with a set of commands we can easily use with the web browser without installing additional software or coding something. To use these tools, you have to sign in with your commercetools platform account you've created before.

The following screenshot shows the login page, main page and the tool list of the ImpEx.

Impex login page
Impex tool

ImpEx is a user interface application for several IMPort and EXport tools accessible from the Commands menu. ImpEx tools are used for

  • importing and exporting details related to products, category, customer, etc .. from one project to another or
  • to be used with other tools of your choice, like a spreadsheet editor, etc.
  • to publish or unpublish products
  • to bulk update or delete products

All the tools provided in ImpEx are also available as command-line tools on GitHub to be installed on your environment.