
The Project endpoint is used to retrieve certain information from a project.

The endpoint is providing a limited set of information about settings and configuration of the project. Updating the settings is eventually consistent, it may take up to a minute before a change becomes fully active.



Messages Configuration

This object is used to configure the Messages Query HTTP API feature for the project.

  • enabled - Boolean
    When true the creation of messages on the Messages Query HTTP API is enabled.
  • deleteDaysAfterCreation - Number - Optional, defaults to 15 Specifies after how many days messages will be deleted from the Messages Query HTTP API. Must not be larger than 90 days. Optional for backwards compatibility reasons only.

Messages Configuration Draft

In the draft of the Messages Configuration, deleteDaysAfterCreation is required.

  • enabled - Boolean
  • deleteDaysAfterCreation - Number

Carts Configuration

  • deleteDaysAfterLastModification - Number - Optional The default value for the deleteDaysAfterLastModification parameter of the CartDraft. Initially set to 90 for projects created after December 2019.
  • countryTaxRateFallbackEnabled - Boolean - Optional Indicates if country - no state tax rate fallback should be used when a shipping address state is not explicitly covered in the rates lists of all tax categories of a cart line items. This feature can be enabled by changeCountryTaxRateFallbackEnabled operations and it is initially set to false for projects created after May 2020.

ShoppingLists Configuration

  • deleteDaysAfterLastModification - Number - Optional The default value for the deleteDaysAfterLastModification parameter of the ShoppingListDraft. Initially set to 360 for projects created after December 2019.


Three ways to dynamically select a ShippingRatePriceTier exist. The CartValue type uses the sum of all line item prices, whereas CartClassification and CartScore use the shipppingRateInput field on the cart to select a tier.


  • type - String - "CartValue"

Cart Value is used when the shipping rate maps to the sum of the line item prices.

The value of the cart is used to select a tier. If chosen, it is not possible to set a value for the shippingRateInput on the cart. Tiers contain the centAmount (a value of 100 in the currency USD corresponds to $ 1.00), and start at 1.


Cart Classification is used when the shipping rate maps to an abstract cart categorization expressed through a string, for example green, yellow, red, or light, medium, heavy.

Only a key defined inside the values array can be used to create a tier, or to set a value for the shippingRateInput on the cart. The keys are checked for uniqueness and the request is rejected if keys are not unique.

Here is an example of a "ShippingRateInputType" of type "CartClassification":

"shippingRateInputType": {
"type": "CartClassification",
"values": [
{ "key": "Small", "label": { "en": "Small", "de": "Klein" } },
{ "key": "Medium", "label": { "en": "Medium", "de": "Mittel" } },
{ "key": "Heavy", "label": { "en": "Heavy", "de": "Schwergut" } }


  • type - String - "CartScore"

Cart Score is used when the shipping rate maps to an abstract cart categorization expressed through an integer, for example shipping score or weight ranges.

The range starts at 0. The default price covers the 0, tiers start at 1.


Represents a RFC 7662 compliant OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection endpoint. For more information, see Requesting an access token using an external OAuth 2.0 server.

You can only configure one external OAuth 2.0 endpoint per project. If you want to authenticate using multiple external services (for example Social network logins), use a middle layer authentication service.

  • url - String
  • authorizationHeader - String - Partially hidden on retrieval

Search Indexing Configuration

Configuration that controls indexing of resources to be provided on high performance read-only search endpoints. Currently, only available for the Product Projection Search and the Product Suggestions endpoints.

Search Indexing Configuration Values

Specifics of the Search Indexing Configuration for a resource type.

  • status - String - Optional
    Can be one of the following or absent.
    "Activated" or absent means that the search and suggest endpoints for the specified resource type are active.
    "Deactivated" means that the search and suggest endpoints for the specified resource type cannot be used.
    "Indexing" indicates that the search and suggest endpoints can temporally not be used because the search index is being re-built.

  • lastModifiedAt - DateTime

  • lastModifiedBy- LastModifiedBy

Order Search Status BETA

Specifies the status of the Order Search index. Can be either:
Activated meaning the Search Orders endpoint is fully operational.
Deactivated meaning the Order Search feature is currently not active, but can be activated by update action.

Get Project

Endpoint: /{projectKey}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_project_settings:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Project

Update Project

Endpoint: /{projectKey}
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_project:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Project

  • version - Number - Required
    The expected version of the project on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict will be returned.
  • actions - Array of UpdateAction - Required
    The list of update actions to be performed on the project.

Updates of the project are eventually consistent, it may take up to a minute before a change becomes fully active.

Update actions

Change Name

  • action - String - "changeName"
  • name - String - Required

Change Currencies

  • action - String - "changeCurrencies"
  • currencies - Array of Strings
    A three-digit currency code as per ISO 4217.

A project needs at least one currency.

Change Countries

  • action - String - "changeCountries"
  • countries - Array of Strings
    A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Change Languages

A project needs at least one language.

If a language is used by a Store, it cannot be deleted. Attempts to delete such language will lead to LanguageUsedInStores errors.

Change Messages Configuration

Change Carts Configuration

Change CountryTaxRateFallbackEnabled

Sets countryTaxRateFallbackEnabled. For carts where a line item tax rate is missing for the country - state combination present in the shipping address, the country without state tax rate in the tax rates list of each tax category is meant to be used.

  • action - String - "changeCountryTaxRateFallbackEnabled"
  • countryTaxRateFallbackEnabled - Boolean When true, country - no state tax rate is used as fallback.

Change ShoppingLists Configuration

Set ShippingRateInputType

  • action - String - "setShippingRateInputType"
  • shippingRateInputType - ShippingRateInputType - Optional
    If not set, removes existing shippingRateInputType.

Set ExternalOAuth

  • action - String - "setExternalOAuth"
  • externalOAuth - ExternalOAuth - Optional If you do not provide the externalOAuth field or provide a value of null, the update action unsets the External OAuth provider.

Change Product Search Indexing Enabled

  • action - String - "changeProductSearchIndexingEnabled"
  • enabled - Boolean
    When changed to false, the indexing of Product information will stop and the Product Projection Search as well as the Product Suggestions endpoint will not be available anymore for this Project. The Project's Search Indexing Configuration status for products will be changed to "Deactivated".
    When changed to true, the indexing of Product information will start and the Product Projection Search as well as the Product Suggestions endpoint will become available soon after for this Project. Proportional to the amount of information being indexed, the Project's Search Indexing Configuration status for products will be shown as "Indexing" during this time. As soon as the indexing has finished, the configuration status will be changed to "Activated" making the aforementioned endpoints fully available for this Project.\

Change Order Search Status BETA

  • action - String - "changeOrderSearchStatus"
  • status - OrderSearchStatus
    Activates or deactivates the Order Search feature. Activation will trigger building a search index for the Orders in the Project.