
A shopping cart holds product variants and can be ordered. Each cart either belongs to a registered customer or is an anonymous cart.

The maximum number of carts that can be added to a project is 10 000 000. If your project contains more carts, the commercetools platform will automatically delete the ones that have been least recently modified. This limit can be increased per project after we review the performance impact. Please contact Support via the Support Portal and provide the region, project key, and use case.


All representations are JSON objects submitted or received as payload to API requests or responses.


  • id - String
    The unique ID of the cart.
  • key - String - Optional
    User-specific unique identifier of the cart.
  • version - Number
    The current version of the cart.
  • createdAt - DateTime
  • createdBy - CreatedBy BETA
    Present on resources created after 2019-02-01 except for events not tracked.
  • lastModifiedAt - DateTime
  • lastModifiedBy - LastModifiedBy BETA
    Present on resources updated after 2019-02-01 except for events not tracked.
  • customerId - String - Optional
  • customerEmail - String - Optional
  • anonymousId - String - Optional
    Identifies carts and orders belonging to an anonymous session (the customer has not signed up/in yet).
  • store - KeyReference to a Store - Optional
  • lineItems - Array of LineItem
  • customLineItems - Array of CustomLineItem
  • totalLineItemQuantity - The sum off all the lineItems quantities. Does not take customLineItems into consideration.
  • totalPrice - CentPrecisionMoney
    The sum of all totalPrice fields of the lineItems and customLineItems, as well as the price field of shippingInfo (if it exists). totalPrice may or may not include the taxes: it depends on the taxRate.includedInPrice property of each price.
  • taxedPrice - TaxedPrice - Optional
    Not set until the shipping address is set. Will be set automatically in the Platform TaxMode. For the External tax mode it will be set as soon as the external tax rates for all line items, custom line items, and shipping in the cart are set.
  • cartState - CartState
  • shippingAddress - Address - Optional
    The shipping address is used to determine the eligible shipping methods and rates as well as the tax rate of the line items.
  • billingAddress - Address - Optional
  • inventoryMode - InventoryMode
  • taxMode - TaxMode
  • taxRoundingMode - RoundingMode
    When calculating taxes for taxedPrice, the selected mode is used for rounding.
  • taxCalculationMode - TaxCalculationMode
    When calculating taxes for taxedPrice, the selected mode is used for calculating the price with LineItemLevel (horizontally) or UnitPriceLevel (vertically) calculation mode.
  • customerGroup - Reference to a CustomerGroup - Optional
    Set automatically when the customer is set and the customer is a member of a customer group. Used for product variant price selection.
  • country - String - Optional
    A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Used for product variant price selection.
  • shippingInfo - ShippingInfo - Optional
    Set automatically once the ShippingMethod is set.
  • discountCodes - Array of DiscountCodeInfo
  • refusedGifts - Array of References to CartDiscounts
    Automatically filled when a line item with LineItemMode GiftLineItem is removed from the cart.
  • custom - CustomFields - Optional
  • paymentInfo - PaymentInfo - Optional
  • locale - String conforming to IETF language tag - Optional
  • deleteDaysAfterLastModification - Number - Optional
    The cart will be deleted automatically if it hasn't been modified for the specified amount of days.
  • shippingRateInput -ShippingRateInput - Optional
    The shippingRateInput is used as an input to select a ShippingRatePriceTier.
  • origin - CartOrigin
    The origin field indicates how this cart was created. The value Customer indicates, that the cart was created by the customer.
  • itemShippingAddresses - Array of Addresses
    Contains addresses for carts with multiple shipping addresses. Line items reference these addresses under their shippingDetails. The addresses captured here are not used to determine eligible shipping methods or the applicable tax rate. Only the cart's shippingAddress is used for this.

Cart fields that can be used in query predicates: id, version, createdAt, lastModifiedAt, customerId, customerEmail, anonymousId, country, totalPrice, taxedPrice, shippingAddress, billingAddress, customerGroup, lineItems, customLineItems, shippingInfo, discountCodes, paymentInfo, cartState, inventoryMode, locale, shippingRateInput, taxCalculationMode, itemShippingAddresses.

Cart Price precision

  • Prices with TypedMoney can have cent-precision and high-precision.
  • When calculating net and gross prices, prices with decimals are rounded. In case the fraction of centAmount is exactly 0.5, the RoundingMode defined by taxRoundingMode is applied on the cart's price.
  • The tax portions are derived from the net prices in case the tax is not included in the price, meaning the includedInPrice-field in the TaxRate for the product is set tofalse. When the tax is included in the price (includedInPrice:true), then the tax portions are derived from the gross prices. This only applies when the Platform TaxMode is used.
  • When prices are discounted with relative discounts, they are always rounded in favor of the customer with the half down rounding.

Cart tax rate selection

A cart cannot calculate taxes for the items in it until the shippingAddress property is set. The and shippingAddress.state properties affect the selection criteria. These are compared to the TaxRate's country and state fields. A tax rate is only eligible if the country and state properties are an exact match. Because the state field is optional on both TaxRate and shippingAddress, this means the following:

  • If and are an exact match , and no state properties are present, the TaxRate applies to the cart.
  • If and are an exact match, but either shippingAddress.state or TaxRate.state are present, the tax rate does not apply to the cart.
  • If and are an exact match, and shippingAddress.state and TaxRate.state are an exact match, the tax rate applies to the cart.
  • If and are present, and shippingAddress.state and TaxRate.state are present, but there is a mismatch of either country or state, the tax rate does not apply to the cart.

If you need to include a state or country sub-unit for shipping purposes, use shippingAddress.region to avoid tax rate conflicts.


A CartDraft is the object submitted as payload to a Create Cart method.

  • currency - String - Required
    A three-digit currency code as per ISO 4217.
  • key - String - Optional
    User-specific unique identifier of the cart.
  • customerId - String - Optional
    Id of an existing Customer.
  • customerEmail - String - Optional
  • customerGroup - ResourceIdentifier of a CustomerGroup - Optional
    Will be set automatically when the customerId is set and the customer is a member of a customer group. Can be set explicitly when no customerId is present.
  • anonymousId - String - Optional
    Assigns the new cart to an anonymous session (the customer has not signed up/in yet).
  • store - ResourceIdentifier of a Store - Optional Assigns the new cart to the store. The store assignment can not be modified.
  • country - String - Optional
    A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
  • inventoryMode - InventoryMode - Optional
    Default inventory mode is None.
  • taxMode - TaxMode - Optional
    The default tax mode is Platform.
  • taxRoundingMode - RoundingMode - Optional
    The default tax rounding mode is HalfEven.
  • taxCalculationMode - TaxCalculationMode - Optional
    The default tax calculation mode is LineItemLevel.
  • lineItems - Array of LineItemDraft - Optional
  • customLineItems - Array of CustomLineItemDraft - Optional
  • shippingAddress - AddressDraft - Optional
    The shipping address is used to determine the eligible shipping methods and rates as well as the tax rate of the line items.
  • billingAddress - AddressDraft - Optional
  • shippingMethod - ResourceIdentifier of a ShippingMethod - Optional
  • externalTaxRateForShippingMethod - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional
    An external tax rate can be set for the shippingMethod if the cart has the External TaxMode.
  • custom - CustomFieldsDraft - Optional
    The custom fields.
  • locale - String conforming to IETF language tag - Optional
    Must be one of the languages supported for this project.
  • deleteDaysAfterLastModification - Number - Optional
    The cart will be deleted automatically if it hasn't been modified for the specified amount of days. If not set, the default value configured in the Project is used.
    If a ChangeSubscription for carts exists, a ResourceDeleted notification will be sent.
  • shippingRateInput - ShippingRateInputDraft - Optional
    The shippingRateInput is used as an input to select a ShippingRatePriceTier.
    Based on the definition of ShippingRateInputType. If CartClassificationType is defined, it must be ClassificationShippingRateInput. If CartScoreType is defined, it must be ScoreShippingRateInput. Otherwise it can not bet set.
  • origin - CartOrigin - Optional
    The default origin is Customer.
  • itemShippingAddresses - Array of AddresseDrafts - Optional
    Contains addresses for carts with multiple shipping addresses. Each address must contain a key which is unique in this cart. Line items will use these keys to reference the addresses under their shippingDetails. The addresses captured here are not used to determine eligible shipping methods or the applicable tax rate. Only the cart's shippingAddress is used for this.
  • discountCodes - Array of Strings - Optional
    The code of existing DiscountCodes.


Body to create a new cart by replicating an existing cart or order.

  • reference - Reference to either a Cart or an Order
  • key - String - Optional
    User-specific unique identifier of the cart.


A line item is a snapshot of a product variant at the time it was added to the cart. The snapshot is created from the ProductProjection as follows:

Since a product variant may change at any time, the ProductVariant data is copied into the field variant. The relation to the current ProductProjection is kept but the line item will not automatically update if the product variant changes. On the cart, the line item can be updated manually. The productSlug refers to the current version of the product. It can be used to link to the product. If the product has been deleted, the line item remains but refers to a non-existent product and the productSlug is left empty.

Please also note that creating an order is impossible if the product or product variant a line item relates to has been deleted.

  • id - String
    The unique ID of this LineItem.
  • productId - String
  • productKey - String - Optional
    User-defined unique identifier for the Product. Only present on Line Items in a Cart when the key is available on that specific Product at the time the Line Item is created or updated on the Cart. On Order resources this field is only present when the key is available on the specific Product at the time the Order is created from the Cart.
    This field is in general not present on Carts that had no updates until 3 December 2021 and on Orders created before this date.
  • name - LocalizedString
    The product name.
  • productSlug - LocalizedString - Optional
    The slug of a product is inserted on the fly. It can therefore be used to link to the product detail page of the product. It is empty if the product has been deleted.
    The slug is also empty if the cart or order is retrieved via Reference Expansion or is a snapshot in a Message.
  • productType - Reference to a ProductType - Optional
  • variant - ProductVariant
    The variant data is saved when the variant is added to the cart, and not updated automatically. It can manually be updated with the Recalculate update action.
  • price - Price
    The price of a line item is selected from the prices array of the product variant. If the variant field hasn't been updated, the price may not correspond to a price in variant.prices.
  • taxedPrice - TaxedItemPrice - Optional
    Set once the taxRate is set.
  • totalPrice - CentPrecisionMoney
    The total price of this line item. If the line item is discounted, then the totalPrice is the DiscountedLineItemPriceForQuantity multiplied by quantity. Otherwise the total price is the product price multiplied by the quantity. totalPrice may or may not include the taxes: it depends on the taxRate.includedInPrice property.
  • quantity - Number
    The amount of a LineItem in the cart. Must be a positive integer.
  • addedAt - DateTime - Optional
    When the line item was added to the cart. Optional for backwards compatibility reasons only.
  • state - Array of ItemState
  • taxRate -TaxRate - Optional
    Will be set automatically in the Platform TaxMode once the shipping address is set is set. For the External tax mode the tax rate has to be set explicitly with the ExternalTaxRateDraft.
  • supplyChannel - Reference to a Channel - Optional
    The supply channel identifies the inventory entries that should be reserved. The Channel must have the InventorySupply ChannelRoleEnum. If the cart is bound to a Store with supplyChannels set, the channel has to match one of the store's supply channels.
  • distributionChannel - Reference to a Channel - Optional
    The distribution channel is used to select a ProductPrice. The Channel has ProductDistribution ChannelRoleEnum If the cart is bound to a Store with distributionChannels set, the channel has to match one of the store's distribution channels.
  • discountedPricePerQuantity - Array of DiscountedLineItemPriceForQuantity
  • priceMode - LineItemPriceMode
  • lineItemMode - LineItemMode
  • custom - CustomFields - Optional
  • shippingDetails - ItemShippingDetails - Optional
    Container for line item specific address(es).
  • lastModifiedAt - DateTime - Optional
    The date when the LineItem was last modified by one of the following actions: setLineItemShippingDetails, addLineItem, removeLineItem, or changeLineItemQuantity. Optional only for backwards compatible reasons. When the LineItem is created lastModifiedAt is set to addedAt.

LineItem fields that can be used in query predicates: productId, name, quantity, variant, price, discountedPricePerQuantity.

LineItem Price selection

The price of a LineItem is selected from the prices array of the product variant based on several conditions:

  • selection based on the distribution channel, the currency, the country and the customer group

    The selection of the price is based on the provided distributionChannel and on the currency, country, and the customer group of the cart. If a price with an exact match cannot be found, wildcards (all countries, all channels, all CustomerGroups) are used.
    The list below defines how the price is selected. If a price could not be found in one step the rule in the next step will be applied until a price could be found. The priority order for the selection of the price is customer group > channel > country (customer group has the highest priority and country the lowest).
    The price for a specific currency is determined in the following order:

    1. Find a price for the country, customer group and channel.
    2. Find a price for the customer group and channel for all countries.
    3. Find a price for the customer group and country for all channels.
    4. Find a price for the customer group for all channels and all countries.
    5. Find a price for the country and channel for all customer groups.
    6. Find a price for the channel for all customer groups and all countries.
    7. Find a price for the country for all customer groups and all channels.
    8. Find a price for all customer groups, all channels and all countries.
  • selection based on the validity period

    For all of the price selection steps, the prices with a validity period are checked before the prices without any validity period.
    If a currently valid price is found, it is used first.

  • tier price selection based on the quantity

    If the product Price has some tier prices, the tier price valid for the line item quantity is selected.
    If no tier price can be used, the base Price is used.

LineItemDraft Product Variant identification

To specify which Product Variant is used for the LineItemDraft the variant can be identified either by

  • the combination of its product ID and its variant ID, or by
  • its SKU.

Choose one of the options below:

Identification by IDs

  • productId - String - Required
    ID of an existing Product.
  • variantId - Number - Optional
    ID of an existing ProductVariant in the product. If not given, the master variant is used.

Identification by SKU


The logic to select the price is described in LineItem Price selection.


A custom line item is a generic item that can be added to the cart but is not bound to a product. You can use it for discounts (negative money), vouchers, complex cart rules, additional services or fees. You control the lifecycle of this item.

CustomLineItem fields that can be used in query predicates: slug, name, quantity, money, state, discountedPricePerQuantity.


  • name - LocalizedString
  • quantity - Number - Optional - Defaults to 1
    The amount of a CustomLineItem in the Cart. Must be a positive integer.
  • money - Money
    The cost to add to the cart. The amount can be negative.
  • slug - String
  • taxCategory - ResourceIdentifier of a TaxCategory - Required only for Platform TaxMode
    The given tax category will be used to select a tax rate when a cart has the TaxMode Platform.
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional
    An external tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.
  • custom - CustomFieldsDraft - Optional
    The custom fields.
  • shippingDetails - ItemShippingDetailsDraft - Optional
    Container for custom line item specific address(es).


  • name - String
  • amount - Number - Optional
    Percentage in the range of [0..1]. Must be supplied if no subRates are specified. If subRates are specified then the amount can be omitted or it must be the sum of the amounts of all subRates.
  • includedInPrice - Boolean - When true, the line item price is considered the gross price and the amount is applied to calculate the net price. When set to false, the line item price will be considered the net price and the amount will be applied to calculate the gross price. See example of calculation below. The default value for includedInPrice is false.
  • country - String
    A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
  • state - String - Optional
    The state in the country
  • subRates - Array of SubRate - Optional BETA
    For countries (for example the US) where the total tax is a combination of multiple taxes (for example state and local taxes).

The following example shows the impact of includedInPrice in the cart calculation. The cart has taxMode HalfEven and taxCalculationMode is LineItemLevel.

Line ItemProduct Variant AProduct Variant BShipping
Line Item: Price$15$25$5
External Tax Rate: includedInPricefalsetruefalse
External Tax Rate: amount0.190.150.15
Taxed Item Price: totalNet$150$108.70$5
Taxed Item Price: totalGross$178.5$125$5.75
Calculation formula15 x 10 (1 + 0.19)25 x 5 / (1+ 0.15)5 x (1 + 0.15)

As seen, when includedInPrice is true, the tax is calculated in a top-down manner. When includedInPrice is false, the tax is calculated in a bottom-up manner.


ExternalTaxAmountDraft cannot be used in LineItemDraft or CustomLineItemDraft. It can only be set using the Update Actions for Carts (namely, Set LineItem TaxAmount, Set CustomLineItem TaxAmount, or Set ShippingMethod TaxAmount) or OrderEdits (namely, Set LineItem TaxAmount, Set CustomLineItem TaxAmount, or Set ShippingMethod TaxAmount).

This information gets automatically removed by the platform whenever some changes on the Cart or Order Edit are made that have a financial impact. For example, when the application of a Cart Discount reduces the line item price, the previously set total gross price becomes invalid and the recalculated total gross price needs to be set again with an ExternalTaxAmountDraft by another update action.


TaxedPrice fields that can be used in query predicates: totalNet, totalGross.


TaxedItemPrice fields can not be used in query predicates.


Represents the portions that sum up to the totalGross field of a TaxedPrice. The portions are calculated from the TaxRates. If a tax rate has SubRates, they are used and can be identified by name. Tax portions from line items that have the same rate and name will be accumulated to the same tax portion.

  • name - String - Optional
  • rate - Number
    A number in the range [0..1]
  • amount - CentPrecisionMoney


  • Active - The cart can be updated and ordered. It is the default state.
  • Merged - Anonymous cart whose content was merged into a customers cart on signin. No further operations on the cart are allowed.
  • Ordered - The cart was ordered. No further operations on the cart are allowed.


Values of the InventoryMode enumeration:

  • TrackOnly
    Orders are tracked on inventory. That means, ordering a LineItem will decrement the available quantity on the respective InventoryEntry.
    Creating an order will succeed even if the line item's available quantity is zero or negative. But creating an order will fail with an OutOfStock error if no matching inventory entry exists for a line item.

  • ReserveOnOrder
    Creating an order will fail with an OutOfStock error if an unavailable line item exists. However, the following exceptions apply:

    • When any line item's respective InventoryEntry has the restockableInDays value set (including 0), then these line items will not cause an error
      • This is caused when the availableQuantity is insufficient for the ordered line item quantity (the availableQuantity is still updated).

    Note: Line items in the cart are only reserved for the duration of the ordering transaction.

  • None
    Adding items to cart and ordering is independent of inventory. No inventory checks or modifications. This is the default mode for a new cart.


Values of the TaxMode enumeration:

  • Platform
    The tax rates are selected by the platform from the TaxCategories based on the cart shipping address. The totalNet and totalGross as well as the taxPortions fields are calculated by the platform according to the taxRoundingMode.
  • External
    The tax rates are set externally per ExternalTaxRateDraft. A cart with this tax mode can only be ordered if all line items, all custom line items and the shipping method have an external tax rate set. The totalNet and totalGross as well as the taxPortions fields are calculated by the platform according to the taxRoundingMode.
  • ExternalAmount
    The tax amounts and the tax rates as well as the tax portions are set externally per ExternalTaxAmountDraft. A cart with this tax mode can only be ordered if the cart itself and all line items, all custom line items and the shipping method have an external tax amount and rate set. Furthermore, update actions on Carts relevant to prices require external recalculation of the total gross. Hence, the ExternalTaxAmount is removed in these cases and requires you to reset them with the appropriate Update Action: Set LineItem TaxAmount, Set CustomLineItem TaxAmount, or Set ShippingMethod TaxAmount.
  • Disabled
    No taxes are added to the cart.


The rounding mode specifies how the platform should round monetary values.
The values of the RoundingMode enumeration:

Examples how decimal values are rounded:

Value to roundHalfUpHalfDownHalfEven


The tax calculation mode specifies how the platform performs calculation of taxes.
The values of the TaxCalculationMode enumeration:

  • LineItemLevel - Default
    This calculation mode calculates the taxes after the unit price is multiplied with the quantity. For example ($1.08 * 3 = $3.24) * 1.19 = $3.8556 -> $3.86 rounded
  • UnitPriceLevel
    This calculation mode calculates the taxes on the unit price before multiplying with the quantity. For example ($1.08 * 1.19 = $1.2852 -> $1.29 rounded) * 3 = $3.87

The combination of UnitPriceLevel and LineItemPriceMode ExternalTotal is not supported.
The API will reject the request with an error message if this combination is used.

Due to the principle of rounding at every calculation step, this slight difference in when to apply the tax can end up having a considerable effect on the cart total. In the following example, we assume that tax of 19% is included in the price for all line items, that the rounding mode is half even and that the price precision is two decimals.

LineItem #QuantityUnit PriceLine Item Total, Net
( LineItemLevel)
Line Item Total, Net
Line Item Total, Gross
Cart Total, Net
Cart Total, Net
Cart Total, Gross

As seen with this example, as long as a line item has quantity of 1, the two modes have no impact on the total net value of a line item (see Line Item #1, 4, and 6). However, as soon as quantity is more than 1, the two modes calculate the total net value of a line item with a difference of several cents (see Line Item #2, 3, and 5). Depending on the specific line item values, the chosen mode can give a greater or lesser net value (see line item #2 compared to #3). Accumulated in the cart total, the difference amounts to 6 cents. The connection to rounding is especially clear with Line Item #5. Due to rounding after applying tax to 0.01 and multiplying with quantity 50 upon that, the net value when using UnitPriceLevel ends up being equal to the gross value. With LineItemLevel, where quantity multiplication is performed as a first calculation step, the rounding occurs to a greater value and net value ends up being $0.42.


Values of the LineItemPriceMode enumeration:

  • Platform
    The price is selected form the product variant. This is the default mode.
  • ExternalPrice The line item price was set externally. Cart discounts can apply to line items with this price mode. All update actions that change the quantity of a line item with this price mode require the externalPrice field to be given.
  • ExternalTotal
    The line item price with the total was set externally. Cart discounts are deactivated for the line items with this price mode. Although a line item with this price mode has both price and totalPrice externally set, only totalPrice will be used to calculate the total price of a cart. All update actions that change the quantity of a line item with this price mode can set the new price with the externalTotal field. If the externalTotal field is not given in an update action that changes line item quantity then the external price is unset and the price mode is set back to Platform.


Values of the LineItemMode enumeration:

  • Standard
    The line item was added during cart creation or with the update action addLineItem. Its quantity can be changed without restrictions.
  • GiftLineItem
    The line item was added automatically, because a discount has added a free gift to the cart. The quantity can not be increased, and it won't be merged when the same product variant is added. If the gift is removed, an entry is added to the refusedGifts array and the discount won't be applied again to the cart. The price can not be changed externally. All other updates, such as the ones related to custom fields, can be used.




Values of the DiscountCodeState enumeration:

  • NotActive
    The discount code is not active or it does not contain any active cart discounts.
  • NotValid
    The discount code is not valid or it does not contain any valid cart discounts. Validity is determined based on the validFrom and validUntil dates.
  • DoesNotMatchCart
    The discount code is active and it contains at least one active and valid CartDiscount. But its cart predicate does not match the cart or none of the contained active discount's cart predicates match the cart
  • MatchesCart
    The discount code is active and it contains at least one active and valid CartDiscount. The discount code cartPredicate matches the cart and at least one of the contained active discount's cart predicates matches the cart.
  • MaxApplicationReached
    maxApplications or maxApplicationsPerCustomer for discountCode has been reached.
  • ApplicationStoppedByPreviousDiscount
    The discount code is active and none of the discounts were applied because the discount application was stopped by one discount that has the StackingMode of StopAfterThisDiscount defined.


Values of the ShippingMethodState enumeration:

  • DoesNotMatchCart
    The ShippingMethod predicate does not match the cart. Ordering this cart will fail with error ShippingMethodDoesNotMatchCart.
  • MatchesCart
    Either there is no predicate defined for the ShippingMethod or the given predicate matches the cart.








  • type - String - "Score"
  • score - Number


Based on the definition of ShippingRateInputType, only one of the following is allowed. It is not possible to set a value for the shippingRateInput on the cart if CartValue is selected as ShippingRateInputType.


  • type - String - "Classification"
  • key - String


  • type - String - "Score"
  • score - Number


If multiple shipping addresses are needed for a cart, ItemShippingDetails contains the information where the individual items should be sent to. If needed, it is possible to set different addresses per sub-quantity of a line item. If a quantity in targets is updated to be 0, the target will automatically be removed from a (custom) line item.

  • targets - Array of ItemShippingTarget
    Used to map what sub-quantity should be shipped to which address.
    Duplicate address keys are not allowed.
  • valid - Boolean
    true if the quantity of the (custom) line item is equal to the sum of the sub-quantities in targets, false otherwise.
    A cart cannot be ordered when the value is false. The error InvalidItemShippingDetails will be triggered.


Draft object for ItemShippingDetails.

  • targets - Array of ItemShippingTargets
    Used to capture one or more (custom) line item specific shipping addresses. By specifying sub-quantities, it is possible to set multiple shipping addresses for one line item.

A cart can have shippingDetails where the targets sum does not match the quantity of the line item or custom line item. For the order creation and order updates the targets sum must match the quantity.


Each item shipping target determines the address (as a reference to an address in itemShippingAddresses) and the quantity that should be shipped to this address. Should multiple shipping addresses be needed for one (custom) line item, sub-quantities are specified. Thus, an array of addresses and sub-quantities is stored per (custom) line item. Upon order creation, the sum of sub-quantities must add up to the total quantity of the (custom) line item.

  • addressKey - String
    The key of the address in the cart's itemShippingAddresses
  • quantity - Number
    The quantity of items that should go to the address with the specified addressKey.
    Only positive values are allowed. Using 0 as quantity is also possible in a draft object, but the element will not be present in the resulting ItemShippingDetails.


Values of the CartOrigin enumeration:

  • Customer
    The cart was created by the customer. This is the default value.
  • Merchant
    The cart was created by the merchant on behalf of the customer.

Get a Cart

Get a Cart by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/{id}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Cart

The cart may not contain up-to-date prices, discounts etc. If you want to ensure they're up-to-date, send an Update request with the Recalculate update action instead.

Get a Cart by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/key={key}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Cart

Get a cart by its key.

The cart may not contain up-to-date prices, discounts etc. If you want to ensure they're up-to-date, send an Update request with the Recalculate update action instead.

Get a Cart in a Store by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/{id}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}, view_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: Cart

Returns a cart by its ID from a specific Store. The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

If the cart exists in the commercetools project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.

The cart may not contain up-to-date prices, discounts etc. If you want to ensure they're up-to-date, send an Update request with the Recalculate update action instead.

Get a Cart in a Store by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/key={key}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}, view_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: Cart

Returns a cart by its key from a specific Store. The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

If the cart exists in the commercetools project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.

The cart may not contain up-to-date prices, discounts etc. If you want to ensure they're up-to-date, send an Update request with the Recalculate update action instead.

Get a Cart by Customer ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/customer-id={id}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Cart

Retrieves the active cart of the customer that has been modified most recently. It does not consider carts with CartOrigin Merchant. If no active cart exists, a 404 Not Found error is returned.

The cart may not contain up-to-date prices, discounts etc. If you want to ensure they're up-to-date, send an Update request with the Recalculate update action.

Get a Cart in a Store by Customer ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/customer-id={id}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}, view_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: Cart

Retrieves the active cart of the customer that has been modified most recently in a specific Store. The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

If the cart exists in the commercetools project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.

The cart may not contain up-to-date prices, discounts etc. If you want to ensure they're up-to-date, send an Update request with the Recalculate update action.

Query Carts

Query Carts

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of Cart
Query Parameters:

Query Carts in a Store

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_orders:{projectKey}, view_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of Cart
Query Parameters:

Queries carts in a specific Store. The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

Create a Cart

Create a Cart

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Request Representation: CartDraft
Response Representation: Cart

Creating a cart can fail with an InvalidOperation if the referenced shipping method in the CartDraft has a predicate which does not match the cart.

Create a Cart in a Store

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}, manage_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Request Representation: CartDraft
Response Representation: Cart

Creates a cart in the store specified by {storeKey}. The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

When using this endpoint the cart's store field is always set to the store specified in the path parameter.

Creating a cart can fail with an InvalidOperation if the referenced shipping method in the CartDraft has a predicate which does not match the cart.

Update a Cart

After all update actions have been performed, the cart will also:

  • Remove any line items that are invalid (due to removed products, product variants, or prices)
  • Update any line item price fields if the result of the price selection has changed because of a product update
  • Update the ShippingInfo, in particular the price and shippingMethodState fields
  • Update the discounts, which may affect the totalPrice fields of (custom) line items and the discountedPrice field of the shipping info
  • Update the totalPrice field of the cart
  • Update the tax rates, in particular the taxedPrice fields
  • Update the productKey on line items

If you want to perform the updates mentioned above without additional update actions, you can send a request with only the Recalculate update action.

To update the product data saved in the line items, use the Recalculate update action with updateProductData set to true.

Update a Cart by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/{id}
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Cart

  • version - Number - Required
    The expected version of the cart on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict will be returned.
  • actions - Array of UpdateAction - Required
    The list of update actions to be performed on the cart.

Update a Cart by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/key={key}
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Cart

  • version - Number - Required
    The expected version of the cart on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict will be returned.
  • actions - Array of UpdateAction - Required
    The list of update actions to be performed on the cart.

Updates the cart by its key.

Update a Cart in a Store by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/{id}
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}, manage_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: Cart

  • version - Number - Required
    The expected version of the cart on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict will be returned.
  • actions - Array of UpdateAction - Required
    The list of update actions to be performed on the cart.

Updates a cart in the store specified by {storeKey}. The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

If the cart exists in the commercetools project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.

Update a Cart in a Store by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/key={key}
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}, manage_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: Cart

  • version - Number - Required
    The expected version of the cart on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict will be returned.
  • actions - Array of UpdateAction - Required
    The list of update actions to be performed on the cart.

Updates a cart in the store specified by {storeKey} and Cart key.

If the cart exists in the commercetools project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.

Update actions

Set Key

  • action - String - "setKey"
  • key - String - Optional
    If key is absent or null, the existing key, if any, will be removed.

UpdateAction on line item

Add LineItem

Adds a product variant in the given quantity to the cart.

If the cart already contains a line item for the same product variant with the same LineItemMode, custom fields, supply, and distribution channel, then only the quantity of the existing LineItem is increased. If shippingDetails are set, they will be merged, meaning all addresses will be present afterwards and, for address keys present in both shipping details, the quantity will be summed up. A new line item will always be added when the externalPrice or the externalTotalPrice is set in this update action.
The LineItem price is set as described in LineItem Price selection.

Specific Error Codes:

Remove LineItem

Decreases the quantity of the given LineItem. The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.

  • action - String - "removeLineItem"
  • lineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing LineItem in the cart.
  • quantity - Number - Optional If the quantity is absent or the line item quantity drops to less than 1, the line item is removed from the cart.
  • externalPrice - Money - Optional
    Sets the line item price to the given value when decreasing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalPrice LineItemPriceMode priceMode.
  • externalTotalPrice - ExternalLineItemTotalPrice - Optional
    Sets the line item price and totalPrice to the given values when decreasing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalTotal LineItemPriceMode priceMode.
  • shippingDetailsToRemove - ItemShippingDetailsDraft - Optional
    Container for line item specific address(es) that are to be removed.

Change LineItem Quantity

Sets the quantity of the given LineItem.
If quantity is 0, the line item is removed from the cart.
The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.

ChangeLineItemQuantity does not support changing the shipping details when multiple shipping addresses are set for one line item. RemoveLineItem and AddLineItem support this, but not ChangeLineItem. This is the case because it is not possible to deduct how the distribution of sub-quantities should be adapted in accordance with the overall change in the line item quantity. Thus, the shippingDetails field will be kept in its current state to avoid data loss. Use SetLineItemShippingDetails in combination with this update action in one cart update command to change the line item quantity and shipping details together.

  • action - String - "changeLineItemQuantity"
  • lineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing LineItem in the cart.
  • quantity - Number - Required
  • externalPrice - Money - Optional
    Sets the line item price to the given value when changing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalPrice LineItemPriceMode priceMode.
  • externalTotalPrice - ExternalLineItemTotalPrice - Optional
    Sets the line item price and totalPrice to the given values when changing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalTotal LineItemPriceMode priceMode.

Set LineItem TaxRate

A line item tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setLineItemTaxRate"
  • lineItemId - String
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional

Set LineItem TaxAmount

A line item tax amount can be set if the cart has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setLineItemTaxAmount"
  • lineItemId - String
  • externalTaxAmount - ExternalTaxAmountDraft - Optional

Set LineItem Price

Sets the price of a line item and changes the priceMode of the line item to ExternalPrice LineItemPriceMode. If the price mode of the line item is ExternalPrice and no externalPrice is given, the external price is unset and the priceMode is set to Platform.

  • action - String - "setLineItemPrice"
  • lineItemId - String
  • externalPrice - Money - Optional

Set LineItem TotalPrice

Sets the totalPrice and price of a line item and changes the priceMode of the line item to ExternalTotal LineItemPriceMode. If the price mode of the line item is ExternalTotal and no externalTotalPrice is given, the external price is unset and the priceMode is set to Platform.

Set LineItem DistributionChannel

Sets the distribution channel of the given LineItem.
The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.

  • action - String - "setLineItemDistributionChannel"
  • lineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing LineItem in the cart.
  • distributionChannel - ResourceIdentifier of a Channel - Optional
    If present a Reference to the channel will be set for the LineItem specified by lineItemId. If not present the current Reference to a distribution channel will be removed from the LineItem specified by lineItemId. The Channel must have the ProductDistribution ChannelRoleEnum

Set LineItem SupplyChannel

Sets the supply channel of the given LineItem.

  • action - String - "setLineItemSupplyChannel"
  • lineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing LineItem in the cart.
  • supplyChannel - ResourceIdentifier of a Channel - Optional
    If present a Reference to the channel will be set for the LineItem specified by lineItemId. If not present the current Reference to a supply channel will be removed from the LineItem specified by lineItemId. The Channel must have the InventorySupply ChannelRoleEnum. Performing this action has no impact on inventory that should be reserved.

Set LineItem Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes the custom type and fields for an existing LineItem.

  • action - String - "setLineItemCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier of a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing CustomFields are removed at the same time.
  • lineItemId - String
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set LineItem CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing LineItem.

  • action - String - "setLineItemCustomField"
  • lineItemId - String
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Apply DeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargets

Increases or decreases the shipping details, the amount of items going to which address, for a line item. See SetLineItemShippingDetails to override the shipping details.

  • action - String - "applyDeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargets"
  • lineItemId - String
    The ID of the line item that is to be updated.
  • targetsDelta - Array of ItemShippingTarget
    Using positive quantities will increase the amount of items which should go to an address, and negative quantities decrease the amount.

Set LineItemShippingDetails

Sets the ItemShippingDetails for a line item.

  • action - String - "setLineItemShippingDetails"
  • lineItemId - String
    The ID of the line item that is to be updated.
  • shippingDetails - ItemShippingDetailsDraft - Optional
    The new shipping details for the line item.

UpdateAction on custom line item

Add CustomLineItem

Adds a CustomLineItem to the cart.

If the cart already contains a CustomLineItem with the same slug, name, money, tax category, state, and custom fields, then only the quantity of the existing custom line item is increased. If shippingDetails are set, they will be merged, meaning all addresses will be present afterwards and, for address keys present in both shipping details, the quantity will be summed up. If the cart already contains a custom line item with the same slug that is otherwise not identical, an InvalidOperation error is returned.

Specific Error Codes:

Remove CustomLineItem

Removes the custom CustomLineItem from the cart.

Removing a custom line item does not support specifying a quantity, unlike the removal of line items. It's not possible to partially remove shippingDetails using this update action. See Change CustomLineItem Quantity for that.

  • action - String - "removeCustomLineItem"
  • customLineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing CustomLineItem in the cart.

Change CustomLineItem Quantity

Sets the quantity of the given CustomLineItem.

ChangeCustomLineItemQuantity does not support changing the shipping details when multiple shipping addresses are set for one custom line item. AddCustomLineItem support this. This is the case because it is not possible to deduct how the distribution of sub-quantities should be adapted in accordance with the overall change in the custom line item quantity. Thus, the shippingDetails field will be kept in its current state to avoid data loss. Use SetCustomLineItemShippingDetails in combination with this update action in one cart update command to change the custom line item quantity and shipping details together.

  • action - String - "changeCustomLineItemQuantity"
  • customLineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing CustomLineItem in the cart.
  • quantity - Number - Required
    The new quantity being a value >= 0. If quantity is 0, the custom line item will be removed from the cart.

Change CustomLineItem Money

Sets the money of the given CustomLineItem.

  • action - String - "changeCustomLineItemMoney"
  • customLineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing CustomLineItem in the cart.
  • money - Money - Required
    The new money.

Set CustomLineItem Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes the custom type and fields for an existing CustomLineItem.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing CustomFields are removed at the same time.
  • customLineItemId - String
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set CustomLineItem CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing CustomLineItem.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemCustomField"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Set CustomLineItem TaxRate

A custom line item tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemTaxRate"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional

Set CustomLineItem TaxAmount

A custom line item tax amount can be set if the cart has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemTaxAmount"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • externalTaxAmount - ExternalTaxAmountDraft - Optional

Apply DeltaToCustomLineItemShippingDetailsTargets

Increases or decreases the shipping details, the amount of items going to which address, for a line item.

  • action - String - "applyDeltaToCustomLineItemShippingDetailsTargets"
  • customLineItemId - String
    The ID of the custom line item that is to be updated.
  • targetsDelta - Array of ItemShippingTarget
    Using positive quantities will increase the amount of items which should go to an address, and negative quantities decrease the amount.

Set CustomLineItemShippingDetails

Sets the ItemShippingDetails for a custom line item.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemShippingDetails"
  • customLineItemId - String
    The ID of the custom line item that is to be updated.
  • shippingDetails - ItemShippingDetailsDraft - Optional
    The new shipping details for the custom line item.

Set Customer Email

  • action - String - "setCustomerEmail"
  • email - String - Optional

Set Shipping Address

Sets the shipping address of the cart. Setting the shipping address also sets the TaxRate of the line items and calculates the TaxedPrice. If the address is not provided, the shipping address is unset, the taxedPrice is unset and the taxRates are unset in all line items.

  • action - String - "setShippingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft - Optional

Extended flexibility on taxRates selection is possible when countryTaxRateFallbackEnabled project setting is set to true, which allows shipping to states not explicitly covered inside a country. For more information, see changeCountryTaxRateFallbackEnabled.

Specific Error Codes:

Set Billing Address

  • action - String - "setBillingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft - Optional

Set Country

Sets the country of the cart. When the country is set, the LineItem prices are updated.

  • action - String - "setCountry"
  • country - String - Optional
    A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Set ShippingMethod

Sets the ShippingMethod. Prerequisite: The cart must contain a shipping address. This update action can fail with an InvalidOperation if the referenced shipping method has a predicate which does not match the cart.

Set Custom ShippingMethod

Sets a custom shipping method (independent of the ShippingMethods defined in the project). The custom shipping method can be unset with the setShippingMethod action without the shippingMethod. Prerequisite: The cart must contain a shipping address.

  • action - String - "setCustomShippingMethod"
  • shippingMethodName - String - Required
  • shippingRate - ShippingRateDraft - Required
    The shipping rate used to determine the price.
  • taxCategory - ResourceIdentifier to a TaxCategory - Optional
    The given tax category will be used to select a tax rate when a cart has the TaxMode Platform.
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional
    An external tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

Add DiscountCode

Adds a DiscountCode to the cart to enable the related CartDiscounts.

  • action - String - "addDiscountCode"
  • code - String - Required
    The code of an existing DiscountCode.

The number of discount codes in a cart is limited to 10.

Specific Error Codes:

Remove DiscountCode

Removes a discount code from the cart.

Set Customer Group

Sets the customer group of the cart. The LineItem prices will be updated according to the customer group.
This action cannot be used if a customer is assigned to the cart. In that case the platform will automatically select the customer group the respective customer is assigned to.

Set Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing cart.

  • action - String - "setCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing cart.

  • action - String - "setCustomField"
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Set Shipping Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing shippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setShippingAddressCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Shipping Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing shippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setShippingAddressCustomField"
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set Billing Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing billingAddress.

  • action - String - "setBillingAddressCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value. If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Billing Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing billingAddress.

  • action - String - "setBillingAddressCustomField"
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set ItemShipping Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing itemShippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setItemShippingAddressCustomType"
  • addressKey - String - Required
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set ItemShipping Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing itemShippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setItemShippingAddressCustomField"
  • addressKey - String - Required
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set Delivery Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing address in a Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryAddressCustomType"
  • deliveryId - String - Required
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Delivery Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing address in a Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryAddressCustomField"
  • deliveryId - String - Required
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set ShippingMethod TaxAmount

A shipping method tax amount can be set if the cart has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

Set ShippingMethod TaxRate

A shipping method tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

Change TaxMode

Changes the TaxMode of a cart. When a tax mode is changed from External to Platform or Disabled, all previously set external tax rates will be removed. When changing the tax mode to Platform, line items, custom line items and shipping method require a tax category with a tax rate for the given shipping address.

  • action - String - "changeTaxMode"
  • taxMode - TaxMode

Change Tax RoundingMode

Changes the tax RoundingMode of a cart. When changing the tax rounding mode, the taxes are recalculated.

  • action - String - "changeTaxRoundingMode"
  • taxRoundingMode - RoundingMode

Set ShippingRateInput

The shippingRateInput is used as an input to select a ShippingRatePriceTier. If no matching tier can be found, or the input is not set, the default price is used.

Change TaxCalculationMode

Changes the TaxCalculationMode of a cart. When changing the tax calculation mode, the taxes are recalculated.

Add Shopping List

Adds all LineItems of a ShoppingList to the cart.

Set Customer ID

Sets the customer ID of the cart. When the customer ID is set, the LineItem prices are updated.

  • action - String - "setCustomerId"
  • customerId - String - Optional
    If set, a customer with the given ID must exist in the project.

Specific Error Codes:

Set Anonymous ID

Sets the anonymous ID of the cart.

  • action - String - "setAnonymousId"
  • anonymousId - String - Optional
    If not set, any existing anonymous ID will be removed.


This update action has two use cases:

  • Updating the product data that is saved in line items

  • Updating prices, discounts etc. as done on every update, but without sending additional update actions

    • action - String - "recalculate"
    • updateProductData - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false
      If set to true, the line item product data (name, variant and productType) will also be updated. If set to false, only the prices and tax rates of the line item will be updated. The updated price of a line item may not correspond to a price in variant.prices anymore.

Add Payment

This action adds a payment to the PaymentInfo. The payment must not be assigned to another Order or active Cart yet.

Remove Payment

This action removes a payment from the PaymentInfo.

Set Cart Total Tax

The total tax amount of the cart can be set if it has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setCartTotalTax"
  • externalTotalGross - Money
    The total gross amount of the cart (totalNet + taxes).
  • externalTaxPortions - Array of TaxPortion - Optional

Set Locale

Sets the locale. Must be one of the languages supported for this Project.

  • action - String - "setLocale"
  • locale - String conforming to IETF language tag - Optional

Set DeleteDaysAfterLastModification

Sets deleteDaysAfterLastModification. The cart will be deleted automatically if it hasn't been modified for the specified amount of days. If a ChangeSubscription for carts exists, a ResourceDeleted notification will be sent.

  • action - String - "setDeleteDaysAfterLastModification"
  • deleteDaysAfterLastModification - Number - Optional

Add ItemShippingAddress

Add an address to the itemShippingAddresses array.

  • action - String - "addItemShippingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft
    The address must have a key that is unique in this cart/order.

Remove ItemShippingAddress

Removes an address from the itemShippingAddresses array. An address can only be removed if it is not referenced in any ItemShippingTarget.

  • action - String - "removeItemShippingAddress"
  • addressKey - String
    The key of the address that is to be removed

Update ItemShippingAddress

Updates an address in the itemShippingAddresses array.

  • action - String - "updateItemShippingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft
    The address which is to replace the address with the key already present in the array

Overview of update actions for Cart, Order and OrderEdit

Update ActionCartdirect OrderOrderEdit
LineItem update actions
CustomLineItem update actions

Replicate an existing cart or order to a new cart

Creating a new cart by replicating an existing cart or order can be useful in case a customer wants to cancel a recent order to make some changes, or if a previous order should be ordered again.

The replica will attempt to preserve customer information, line items and custom line items, custom fields, discount codes, as well as other settings of the cart or order. If any of the line items have become invalid, for example due to removed products or prices, those items are removed from the new cart. If the customer has switched to another customer group, the new cart contains the new group.

The replica has up-to-date tax rates, prices, and line item product data and is in Active CartState.

The new cart does not contain payments or deliveries. The state of line items and custom line items is reset to the initial state.

Replicate a Cart

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/replicate
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Request Representation: ReplicaCartDraft
Response Representation: Cart

The replica will not be bound to any store.

Replicate a Cart in a Store

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/replicate
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}, manage_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Request Representation: ReplicaCartDraft
Response Representation: Cart

The replica will be bound to the same store.

Delete a Cart

Delete a Cart by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/{id}
Method: DELETE
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Cart
Query parameters:

  • version - Number - Required
  • dataErasure - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false

Removes a Cart.

Delete a Cart by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/carts/key={key}
Method: DELETE
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Response Representation: Cart
Query parameters:

  • version - Number - Required
  • dataErasure - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false

Removes a Cart by its key.

Delete a Cart in a Store by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/{id}
Method: DELETE
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}, manage_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: Cart
Query parameters:

  • version - Number - Required
  • dataErasure - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false

Removes a Cart in the store specified by {storeKey}. The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

If the cart exists in the commercetools project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.

Delete a Cart in a Store by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/carts/key={key}
Method: DELETE
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_orders:{projectKey}, manage_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}
Response Representation: Cart
Query parameters:

  • version - Number - Required
  • dataErasure - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false

Removes a Cart in the store specified by {storeKey} and Cart key.
The {storeKey} path parameter maps to a Store's key.

If the cart exists in the commercetools project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.