Order Edits

OrderEdit are containers for financial changes after an Order has been placed.

In case no financial aspect of an order should be changed use Order Update which does not perform a recalculation. An alternative if no deliveries or payments occurred could be to replicate the order as a new cart.

The OrderEdit tutorial shows some examples how edits can be performed.

A maximum number of 100 000 order edits can be created per project. Learn more about this limit.



  • id - String
    The unique ID of the OrderEdit.
  • key - String - Optional
    Unique identifier for this edit.
  • version - Number
    The current version of the OrderEdit.
  • createdAt - DateTime
  • createdBy - CreatedBy BETA
    Present on resources created after 2019-02-01 except for events not tracked.
  • lastModifiedAt - DateTime
  • lastModifiedBy - LastModifiedBy BETA
    Present on resources updated after 2019-02-01 except for events not tracked.
  • resource - Reference to an Order
    The order to be updated with this edit.
  • stagedActions - Array of StagedOrderUpdateAction
    The actions to apply to the Order. Cannot be updated after the edit has been applied.
  • custom - CustomFields - Optional
  • result - OrderEditResult
    Contains a preview of the changes in case of unapplied edit. For applied edits, it contains the summary of the changes.
  • comment - String - Optional
    This field can be used to add textual information regarding the edit.


  • key - String - Optional
    Unique identifier for this edit.
  • resource - Reference to an Order
    The order to be updated with this edit.
  • stagedActions - Array of StagedOrderUpdateAction
    The actions to apply to resource.
  • custom - CustomFieldsDraft - Optional
    The custom fields.
  • comment - String - Optional
    This field can be used to add additional textual information regarding the edit.
  • dryRun - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false
    When set to true the edit is applied on the Order without persisting it.


See the detailed list of StagedOrderUpdateActions for all update actions available for an OrderEdit.

Many of the update actions for an OrderEdit are known from the update actions available for a Cart. Below is an overview showing the update actions that an Order Edit and a Cart share, as well as the update actions unique to an Order Edit.

The table furthermore provides an overview of the update actions that can only be done within an Order Edit and not as a direct Order update.

Update ActionCartdirect OrderOrderEdit
LineItem update actions
CustomLineItem update actions


Provides information about the state of the OrderEdit. Four possible states exist:

  • NotProcessed
  • PreviewFailure
  • PreviewSuccess
  • Applied



The result contains a preview field in which the order is presented as it would appear if the stagedActions were to be applied. In a similar fashion, the messagePayloads field contains the message bodies of the order shown in preview.

Please note that the result is generated on the fly when an OrderEdit is called. Its data is not persisted but always dynamically pulled by dry running the update actions from stagedActions on the current order version, not from the order version at the time of the edit creation. Therefore, result fields cannot be used in query predicates (except for type "NotProcessed" and "Applied").

  • type - String - "PreviewSuccess"
  • preview - Order (not a reference to Order)
    The order preview. The preview also runs Order API Extensions if there are any.
  • messagePayloads - Array of OrderMessagePayload
    The messages which would be emitted if this edit would be applied.

If reference expansion is used on the resource field, a race condition can occur if the order is updated after the preview is calculated but before resource is expanded, in which case the preview is based on an older order version. This rare case can be detected when the messagePayloads contains an OrderEditAppliedMessage which has in excerptBeforeEdit a different order version than the expanded order.


Result if the stagedActions cannnot be applied to the order. Like OrderEditPreviewSuccess the data is calculated on the fly and not queryable.

  • type - String - "PreviewFailure"
  • errors - Array of Error


The edit has not been applied or processed in any way. The type field can be queried.

  • type - String - "NotProcessed"


Contains information about a successful applied edit.

  • type - String - "Applied"
  • appliedAt - DateTime the time stamp when the edit was applied.
  • excerptBeforeEdit - OrderExcerpt
    The summary of the order before the edit was applied.
  • excerptAfterEdit - OrderExcerpt
    The summary of the order after the edit was applied.


A summary about the order concerning total price and version.


It is an OrderMessage without the common Message envelope fields, but still contains the payload and the type of the message.

  • type - String
    The type of the message.

Get OrderEdit

Get OrderEdit by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_order_edits:{projectKey}
Response Representation: OrderEdit

Get OrderEdit by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits/key={key}
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_order_edits:{projectKey}
Response Representation: OrderEdit

Query OrderEdits

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits
Method: GET
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: view_order_edits:{projectKey}
Response Representation: PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of OrderEdit
calculates Order Preview: false
Query Parameters:

Create an OrderEdit

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_order_edits:{projectKey}
Request Representation: OrderEditDraft
Response Representation: OrderEdit calculates Order Preview: true

It is possible to create multiple OrderEdits for one order and apply then in sequence to the Order. It is, however, also possible to create multiple OrderEdits in parallel as alternatives to each other and have only one of them be applied to the Order.

Please note that the OrderEdit feature in its initial release does not support the tracking or reserving of inventory. An OrderEdit can therefore only be created if the InventoryMode of the order is "None".

Update OrderEdit

Update OrderEdit by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id}
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_order_edits:{projectKey}
Response Representation: OrderEdit
calculates Order Preview: true

  • version - Number - Required
    The expected version of the OrderEdit on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict will be returned.
  • actions - Array of UpdateAction - Required
    The list of update actions to be performed on the OrderEdit.
  • dryRun - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false
    When set to true the edit is applied on the Order without persisting it.

Update OrderEdit by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits/key={key}
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_order_edits:{projectKey}
Response Representation: OrderEdit calculates Order Preview: true

  • version - Number - Required
    The expected version of the OrderEdit on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict will be returned.
  • actions - Array of UpdateAction - Required
    The list of update actions to be performed on the OrderEdit.
  • dryRun - Boolean - Optional, defaults to false
    When set to true the edit is applied on the Order without persisting it.

Update actions

Set CustomType

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing OrderEdit.

  • action - String - "setCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier of a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing OrderEdit.

  • action - String - "setCustomField"
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Set Key

  • action - String - "setKey"
  • key - String - Optional
    If key is absent or null, the existing key, if any, will be removed.

Set StagedActions

Replaces the whole stagedActions array. For applied edits the stagedActions cannot be changed.

  • action - String - "setStagedActions"
  • stagedActions - Array of StagedOrderUpdateAction
    The actions to edit the resource.

Add StagedAction

Appends a StagedOrderUpdateAction to the end of the stagedActions array. For applied edits the stagedActions cannot be changed.

Set Comment

Sets or unsets the comment.

  • action - String - "setComment"
  • comment - String - Optional

Apply an OrderEdit

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id}/apply
Method: POST
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_order_edits:{projectKey}
Response Representation: OrderEdit

  • editVersion - Number - Required
    The version of the edit to be applied.
  • resourceVersion - Number - Required
    The current version of the order to which the edit should be applied.

If one or both versions do not match the actual version, then a 409 Conflict response is returned.

When and OrderEdit has been applied, stagedActions can no longer be updated.

An applied edit creates the order message OrderEditAppliedMessage if messages are enabled for the project.

Delete OrderEdit by ID

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id}
Method: DELETE
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_order_edits:{projectKey} calculates Order Preview: false
Query Parameters:

  • version - Number - Required

Deletion of an OrderEdit does not affect the order.

Delete OrderEdit by Key

Endpoint: /{projectKey}/orders/edits/key={key}
Method: DELETE
OAuth 2.0 Scopes: manage_order_edits:{projectKey} calculates Order Preview: false
Query Parameters:

  • version - Number - Required

Deletion of an OrderEdit does not affect the order.

Detailed List of StagedOrderUpdateActions

Change OrderState

  • action - String - "changeOrderState"
  • orderState - OrderState - Required

This update action produces an OrderStateChangedMessage.

Change ShipmentState

  • action - String - "changeShipmentState"
  • shipmentState - ShipmentState - Required

This update action produces an OrderShipmentStateChangedMessage.

Change PaymentState

  • action - String - "changePaymentState"
  • paymentState - PaymentState - Required

Changing the payment state of the order produces the OrderPaymentStateChangedMessage.

Update SyncInfo

  • action - String - "updateSyncInfo"
  • channel - ResourceIdentifier to a Channel
    Connection to a particular synchronization destination.
  • externalId - String - Optional
    Can be used to reference an external order instance, file etc.
  • syncedAt - DateTime - Optional If not provided, then current date would be used

Add ReturnInfo

  • action - String - "addReturnInfo" - Required
  • returnDate - DateTime - Optional
  • returnTrackingId - String - Optional
    Identifies which return tracking ID is connected to this particular return.
  • items - Array of ReturnItemDraft - Required
    Items to be returned.

This update action produces a ReturnInfoAddedMessage.

Set ReturnInfo

  • action - String - "setReturnInfo"
  • items - Array of ReturnInfoDraft - Optional
    Items to be returned.

This update action produces the ReturnInfoSetMessage.

Set ReturnShipmentState

To set a ReturnShipmentState, there needs to be at least one ReturnInfo with at least one ReturnItem created before.

This update action produces an OrderReturnShipmentStateChangedMessage.

Set ReturnPaymentState

To set a ReturnPaymentState, there needs to be at least one ReturnInfo with at least one ReturnItem created before.

Change the state of LineItem according to allowed transitions

  • action - String - "transitionLineItemState"
  • lineItemId - String
  • quantity - Number
  • fromState - Reference to a State
  • toState - Reference to a State
  • actualTransitionDate - DateTime - Optional

This update action produces a LineItemStateTransitionMessage.

Change the state of CustomLineItem according to allowed transitions

  • action - String - "transitionCustomLineItemState"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • quantity - Number
  • fromState - Reference to a State
  • toState - Reference to a State
  • actualTransitionDate - DateTime - Optional

This update action produces a CustomLineItemStateTransitionMessage.

Import State for LineItems

The import of states does not follow any predefined rules and should be only used if no transitions are defined. The quantity in the ItemStates must match the sum of all LineItems states' quantities.

  • action - String - "importLineItemState"
  • lineItemId - String
  • state - Array of ItemState

Import State for CustomLineItems

The import of states does not follow any predefined rules and should be only used if no transitions are defined. The quantity in the ItemStates must match the sum of all CustomLineItem states' quantities.

  • action - String - "importCustomLineItemState"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • state - Array of ItemState

Add Delivery

A Delivery can only be added to an Order if its shippingInfo exists.

This update action produces a DeliveryAddedMessage and the ParcelAddedToDeliveryMessage if the action contains a Parcel.

Set Delivery Address

Sets the address value on an existing Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryAddress"
  • deliveryId - String The ID of the Delivery which should be updated.
  • address - AddressDraft - Optional
    If not set an existing address is removed from the delivery.

This update action produces a DeliveryAddressSetMessage.

Add Parcel

To add a Parcel, there needs to be at least one Delivery created before.

This update action produces a ParcelAddedToDeliveryMessage.

Set Order Number

Sets a string that uniquely identifies an order. It can be used to create more human-readable (in contrast to ID) identifier for the order.

  • action - String - "setOrderNumber"
  • orderNumber - String - Optional
    It should be unique across a project. Once it's set, it cannot be changed.

Transition State

Transition to a new state. If there is no state yet, the new state must be an initial state. If the existing state has transitions set, there must be a direct transition to the new state. If transitions is not set, no validation is performed. These validations can be turned off by setting the force parameter to true.

  • action - String - "transitionState"
  • state - Reference to a State
  • force - Boolean - Optional - Defaults to false

This update action produces an OrderStateTransitionMessage.

Set Customer Email

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing value for customerEmail.
This action does not change the customer email on the Cart the order has been created from.

  • action - String - "setCustomerEmail"
  • email - String - Optional

This update action produces an OrderCustomerEmailSetMessage.

Set Customer Id

Relates a Customer to the order. In case the customer belongs to a CustomerGroup the order's field customerGroup would be updated automatically. When applied, no prices or discounts will be re-calculated on the order.

  • action - String - "setCustomerId"
  • customerId - String - Optional
    If set, a Customer with the given ID must exist in the project.

This update action produces an OrderCustomerSetMessage.

Set Shipping Address

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing value for shippingAddress.
Changing the shipping address does not recalculate the cart. The taxes might not fit to the shipping address anymore.
This action does not change the shipping address on the Cart the order has been created from.

  • action - String - "setShippingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft - Optional

This update action produces an OrderShippingAddressSetMessage.

Set Billing Address

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing value for billingAddress.
This action does not change the billing address on the Cart the order has been created from.

  • action - String - "setBillingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft - Optional

This update action produces an OrderBillingAddressSetMessage.

Set Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing order.

Set CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing order.

  • action - String - "setCustomField"
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Set Shipping Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing shippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setShippingAddressCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Shipping Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing shippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setShippingAddressCustomField"
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set Billing Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing billingAddress.

  • action - String - "setBillingAddressCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value. If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Billing Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing billingAddress.

  • action - String - "setBillingAddressCustomField"
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set ItemShipping Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing itemShippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setItemShippingAddressCustomType"
  • addressKey - String - Required
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set ItemShipping Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing itemShippingAddress.

  • action - String - "setItemShippingAddressCustomField"
  • addressKey - String - Required
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set Delivery Address Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for an existing address in a Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryAddressCustomType"
  • deliveryId - String - Required
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Delivery Address CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing address in a Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryAddressCustomField"
  • deliveryId - String - Required
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set Delivery Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for a existing Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryCustomType"
  • deliveryId - String - Required
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Delivery CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for a existing Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryCustomField"
  • deliveryId - String - Required
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set Parcel Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom type and fields for a existing Parcel.

  • action - String - "setParcelCustomType"
  • parcelId - String - Required
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing custom fields are removed.
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set Parcel CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for a existing Parcel.

  • action - String - "setParcelCustomField"
  • parcelId - String - Required
  • name - String - Required
    The name of the Custom Field to set
  • value - Value - Optional
    Specifies the format of the value of the Custom Field defined by name. If value is absent or null, the field specified by name, if it exists, is removed. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error.

Set LineItem Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes the existing custom type and fields for an existing order LineItem.

  • action - String - "setLineItemCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing CustomFields are removed at the same time.
  • lineItemId - String
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set LineItem CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing order LineItem.

  • action - String - "setLineItemCustomField"
  • lineItemId - String
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Set ReturnItem Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes the existing custom type and fields for an existing order ReturnItem.

  • action - String - "setReturnItemCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing CustomFields are removed at the same time.
  • returnItemId - String
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set ReturnItem CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing order ReturnItem.

  • action - String - "setReturnItemCustomField"
  • returnItemId - String
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Add Payment

This action adds a payment to the PaymentInfo. The payment must not be assigned to another Order or active Cart yet.

Remove Payment

This action removes a payment from the PaymentInfo.

Set Locale

Sets the locale. Must be one of the languages supported for this Project.

  • action - String - "setLocale"
  • locale - String conforming to IETF language tag - Optional

Set Delivery Items

Updates the delivery items of a Delivery.

  • action - String - "setDeliveryItems"
  • deliveryId - String - ID of the Delivery for which the items should be set
  • items - Array of DeliveryItem

This update action produces a DeliveryItemsUpdatedMessage.

Remove Parcel from Delivery

Removes a parcel in a Delivery.

  • action - String - "removeParcelFromDelivery"
  • parcelId - String - ID of the Parcel which shall be removed

This update action produces a ParcelRemovedFromDeliveryMessage.

Remove Delivery

Removes a Delivery.

  • action - String - "removeDelivery"
  • deliveryId - String - ID of the Delivery which shall be removed

This update action produces a DeliveryRemovedMessage.

Set Parcel Measurements

  • action - String - "setParcelMeasurements"
  • parcelId - String - ID of the Parcel which shall be updated
  • measurements - ParcelMeasurements - Optional

This update action produces a ParcelMeasurementsUpdatedMessage.

Set Parcel Tracking Data

  • action - String - "setParcelTrackingData"
  • parcelId - String - ID of the Parcel which shall be updated
  • trackingData - TrackingData - Optional

This update action produces a ParcelTrackingDataUpdatedMessage.

Set Parcel Items

Updates the items of a Parcel.

  • action - String - "setParcelItems"
  • parcelId - String - ID of the Parcel which shall be updated
  • items - Array of DeliveryItem

This update action produces a ParcelItemsUpdatedMessage.

Set LineItemShippingDetails

Sets the ItemShippingDetails for a line item.

  • action - String - "setLineItemShippingDetails"
  • lineItemId - String
    The ID of the line item that is to be updated.
  • shippingDetails - ItemShippingDetailsDraft - Optional
    The new shipping details for the line item.

Set CustomLineItemShippingDetails

Sets the ItemShippingDetails for a custom line item.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemShippingDetails"
  • customLineItemId - String
    The ID of the custom line item that is to be updated.
  • shippingDetails - ItemShippingDetailsDraft - Optional
    The new shipping details for the custom line item.

Add ItemShippingAddress

Add an address to the itemShippingAddresses array.

  • action - String - "addItemShippingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft
    The address must have a key that is unique in this cart/order.

Remove ItemShippingAddress

Removes an address from the itemShippingAddresses array. An address can only be removed if it is not referenced in any ItemShippingTarget.

  • action - String - "removeItemShippingAddress"
  • addressKey - String
    The key of the address that is to be removed

Update ItemShippingAddress

Updates an address in the itemShippingAddresses array.

  • action - String - "updateItemShippingAddress"
  • address - AddressDraft
    The address which is to replace the address with the key already present in the array

Set Store

Updates the Store the order is assigned to. It should be used to migrate existing orders to a newly introduced store. Therefore no validations are performed (such as that the customer is allowed to create orders in the store).

This update action produces an OrderStoreSetMessage.

Set OrderTotalTax

Updates the total tax amount of the order if it has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setOrderTotalTax"
  • externalTotalGross - Money
    The total gross amount of the Order (totalNet + taxes).
  • externalTaxPortions - Array of TaxPortion - Optional

Set ShippingAddressAndShippingMethod

Sets the shipping address and shipping method together to prevent an inconsistent state.

Set ShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethod

Sets the shipping address and a custom shipping method together to prevent an inconsistent state.

  • action - String - "setShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethod"
  • address - AddressDraft
  • shippingMethodName - String - Required
  • shippingRate - ShippingRateDraft - Required
    The shipping rate used to determine the price.
  • taxCategory - ResourceIdentifier of a TaxCategory - Optional
    The given tax category will be used to select a tax rate when a order has the TaxMode Platform.
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional
    An external tax rate can be set if the order has the External TaxMode.

Set Country

Sets the country of the cart. When the country is set, the LineItem prices are updated.

  • action - String - "setCountry"
  • country - String - Optional
    A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Set ShippingMethod

Sets the ShippingMethod. Prerequisite: The cart must contain a shipping address. This update action can fail with an InvalidOperation if the referenced shipping method has a predicate which does not match the cart.

Set Custom ShippingMethod

Sets a custom shipping method (independent of the ShippingMethods defined in the project). The custom shipping method can be unset with the setShippingMethod action without the shippingMethod. Prerequisite: The cart must contain a shipping address.

  • action - String - "setCustomShippingMethod"
  • shippingMethodName - String - Required
  • shippingRate - ShippingRateDraft - Required
    The shipping rate used to determine the price.
  • taxCategory - ResourceIdentifier to a TaxCategory - Optional
    The given tax category will be used to select a tax rate when a cart has the TaxMode Platform.
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional
    An external tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

Add DiscountCode

Adds a DiscountCode to the cart to enable the related CartDiscounts.

  • action - String - "addDiscountCode"
  • code - String - Required
    The code of an existing DiscountCode.

The number of discount codes in a cart is limited to 10.

Specific Error Codes:

Remove DiscountCode

Removes a discount code from the cart.

Set Customer Group

Sets the customer group of the cart. The LineItem prices will be updated according to the customer group.
This action cannot be used if a customer is assigned to the cart. In that case the platform will automatically select the customer group the respective customer is assigned to.

Set ShippingMethod TaxAmount

A shipping method tax amount can be set if the cart has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

Set ShippingMethod TaxRate

A shipping method tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

Change TaxMode

Changes the TaxMode of a cart. When a tax mode is changed from External to Platform or Disabled, all previously set external tax rates will be removed. When changing the tax mode to Platform, line items, custom line items and shipping method require a tax category with a tax rate for the given shipping address.

  • action - String - "changeTaxMode"
  • taxMode - TaxMode

Change Tax RoundingMode

Changes the tax RoundingMode of a cart. When changing the tax rounding mode, the taxes are recalculated.

  • action - String - "changeTaxRoundingMode"
  • taxRoundingMode - RoundingMode

Set ShippingRateInput

The shippingRateInput is used as an input to select a ShippingRatePriceTier. If no matching tier can be found, or the input is not set, the default price is used.

Change TaxCalculationMode

Changes the TaxCalculationMode of a cart. When changing the tax calculation mode, the taxes are recalculated.

Add Shopping List

Adds all LineItems of a ShoppingList to the cart.

Add LineItem

Adds a product variant in the given quantity to the cart.

If the cart already contains a line item for the same product variant with the same LineItemMode, custom fields, supply, and distribution channel, then only the quantity of the existing LineItem is increased. If shippingDetails are set, they will be merged, meaning all addresses will be present afterwards and, for address keys present in both shipping details, the quantity will be summed up. A new line item will always be added when the externalPrice or the externalTotalPrice is set in this update action.
The LineItem price is set as described in LineItem Price selection.

Specific Error Codes:

Remove LineItem

Decreases the quantity of the given LineItem. The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.

  • action - String - "removeLineItem"
  • lineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing LineItem in the cart.
  • quantity - Number - Optional If the quantity is absent or the line item quantity drops to less than 1, the line item is removed from the cart.
  • externalPrice - Money - Optional
    Sets the line item price to the given value when decreasing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalPrice LineItemPriceMode priceMode.
  • externalTotalPrice - ExternalLineItemTotalPrice - Optional
    Sets the line item price and totalPrice to the given values when decreasing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalTotal LineItemPriceMode priceMode.
  • shippingDetailsToRemove - ItemShippingDetailsDraft - Optional
    Container for line item specific address(es) that are to be removed.

Change LineItem Quantity

Sets the quantity of the given LineItem.
If quantity is 0, the line item is removed from the cart.
The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.

ChangeLineItemQuantity does not support changing the shipping details when multiple shipping addresses are set for one line item. RemoveLineItem and AddLineItem support this, but not ChangeLineItem. This is the case because it is not possible to deduct how the distribution of sub-quantities should be adapted in accordance with the overall change in the line item quantity. Thus, the shippingDetails field will be kept in its current state to avoid data loss. Use SetLineItemShippingDetails in combination with this update action in one cart update command to change the line item quantity and shipping details together.

  • action - String - "changeLineItemQuantity"
  • lineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing LineItem in the cart.
  • quantity - Number - Required
  • externalPrice - Money - Optional
    Sets the line item price to the given value when changing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalPrice LineItemPriceMode priceMode.
  • externalTotalPrice - ExternalLineItemTotalPrice - Optional
    Sets the line item price and totalPrice to the given values when changing the quantity of a line item with the ExternalTotal LineItemPriceMode priceMode.

Set LineItem TaxRate

A line item tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setLineItemTaxRate"
  • lineItemId - String
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional

Set LineItem TaxAmount

A line item tax amount can be set if the cart has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setLineItemTaxAmount"
  • lineItemId - String
  • externalTaxAmount - ExternalTaxAmountDraft - Optional

Set LineItem Price

Sets the price of a line item and changes the priceMode of the line item to ExternalPrice LineItemPriceMode. If the price mode of the line item is ExternalPrice and no externalPrice is given, the external price is unset and the priceMode is set to Platform.

  • action - String - "setLineItemPrice"
  • lineItemId - String
  • externalPrice - Money - Optional

Set LineItem TotalPrice

Sets the totalPrice and price of a line item and changes the priceMode of the line item to ExternalTotal LineItemPriceMode. If the price mode of the line item is ExternalTotal and no externalTotalPrice is given, the external price is unset and the priceMode is set to Platform.

Set LineItem DistributionChannel

Sets the distribution channel of the given LineItem.
The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.

  • action - String - "setLineItemDistributionChannel"
  • lineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing LineItem in the cart.
  • distributionChannel - ResourceIdentifier of a Channel - Optional
    If present a Reference to the channel will be set for the LineItem specified by lineItemId. If not present the current Reference to a distribution channel will be removed from the LineItem specified by lineItemId. The Channel must have the ProductDistribution ChannelRoleEnum

Applying the order edit to change the distribution channel of an order line item produces the OrderLineItemDistributionChannelSetMessage.

Add CustomLineItem

Adds a CustomLineItem to the cart.

If the cart already contains a CustomLineItem with the same slug, name, money, tax category, state, and custom fields, then only the quantity of the existing custom line item is increased. If shippingDetails are set, they will be merged, meaning all addresses will be present afterwards and, for address keys present in both shipping details, the quantity will be summed up. If the cart already contains a custom line item with the same slug that is otherwise not identical, an InvalidOperation error is returned.

Specific Error Codes:

Remove CustomLineItem

Removes the custom CustomLineItem from the cart.

Removing a custom line item does not support specifying a quantity, unlike the removal of line items. It's not possible to partially remove shippingDetails using this update action. See Change CustomLineItem Quantity for that.

  • action - String - "removeCustomLineItem"
  • customLineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing CustomLineItem in the cart.

Change CustomLineItem Quantity

Sets the quantity of the given CustomLineItem.

ChangeCustomLineItemQuantity does not support changing the shipping details when multiple shipping addresses are set for one custom line item. AddCustomLineItem support this. This is the case because it is not possible to deduct how the distribution of sub-quantities should be adapted in accordance with the overall change in the custom line item quantity. Thus, the shippingDetails field will be kept in its current state to avoid data loss. Use SetCustomLineItemShippingDetails in combination with this update action in one cart update command to change the custom line item quantity and shipping details together.

  • action - String - "changeCustomLineItemQuantity"
  • customLineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing CustomLineItem in the cart.
  • quantity - Number - Required
    The new quantity being a value >= 0. If quantity is 0, the custom line item will be removed from the cart.

Change CustomLineItem Money

Sets the money of the given CustomLineItem.

  • action - String - "changeCustomLineItemMoney"
  • customLineItemId - String - Required
    ID of an existing CustomLineItem in the cart.
  • money - Money - Required
    The new money.

Set CustomLineItem Custom Type

This action sets, overwrites, or removes the custom type and fields for an existing CustomLineItem.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemCustomType"
  • type - ResourceIdentifier to a Type - Optional
    If set, the custom type is set to this new value.
    If absent, the custom type and any existing CustomFields are removed at the same time.
  • customLineItemId - String
  • fields - A valid JSON object, based on the FieldDefinitions of the Type - Optional
    If set, the custom fields are set to this new value.

Set CustomLineItem CustomField

This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing custom field for an existing CustomLineItem.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemCustomField"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • name - String - Required
  • value - Value - Optional
    If value is absent or null, this field will be removed if it exists. Trying to remove a field that does not exist will fail with an InvalidOperation error. If value is provided, set the value of the field defined by the name.

Set CustomLineItem TaxRate

A custom line item tax rate can be set if the cart has the External TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemTaxRate"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • externalTaxRate - ExternalTaxRateDraft - Optional

Set CustomLineItem TaxAmount

A custom line item tax amount can be set if the cart has the ExternalAmount TaxMode.

  • action - String - "setCustomLineItemTaxAmount"
  • customLineItemId - String
  • externalTaxAmount - ExternalTaxAmountDraft - Optional