Subscribing to Messages when using AWS EventBridge

In this tutorial, we are going to demonstrate how to subscribe to Messages and make use of content-based filtering when using Amazon Web Services EventBridge.


Imagine you want to build functionality that notifies country-specific warehouses for orders so that you can ship closer to the customer's location. In this tutorial, we are going to subscribe to order-related events and use EventBridge to route OrderCreated messages to country-specific SQS queues.


  1. For this tutorial, you need credentials for an API client. If you don't have an API client yet, please create one with scope Manage Subscriptions as described in the documentation.

  2. Additionally, you need an AWS account Identifier and the region in which you want to receive the messages.

  3. Lastly, you will need AWS target resources to forward events to. EventBridge supports a wide variety of target types, you can find the full list here. In this tutorial, we’ll be using AWS SQS. Here is an additional link that helps you get started with SQS: Getting Started with Amazon SQS. For this example, we have created two SQS queues: one for orders placed in Germany and one for orders in the US.

Set up an event source/subscription

To set up an event source, one needs to create a Subscription via commercetools Subscription API, with the following example payload:

"key": "eventbridge-tutorial",
"destination": {
"type": "EventBridge",
"accountId": "<my-account-id>",
"region": "<my-region>"
"messages": [
"resourceTypeId": "order",
"types": []

Once this is successful, the response will look similar to this:

"changes": [],
"createdAt": "<timestamp>",
"destination": {
"accountId": "<my-account-id>",
"region": "<my-region>",
"source": "aws.partner/",
"type": "EventBridge"
"id": "<subscription-id>",
"lastMessageSequenceNumber": 0,
"lastModifiedAt": "<timestamp>",
"messages": [
"resourceTypeId": "order",
"types": []
"version": 1

As a result, a new event source is created automatically in the AWS account and region specified. If you require further help setting up the Subscription, please visit this tutorial.

Associate the commercetools event source with event bus

Log in to the AWS console and select the EventBridge service. Then navigate to Integration > Partner event sources from the left-hand menu. Here, you can see that a new "partner event source" is automatically created with your project-key indicated in the name. Make sure to select the correct region in the region drop-down, as it needs to match the one specified in your subscription for the event bus to connect with the event source. Once you selected the suitable event source, click Associate with event bus.

Associate event bus

Set up forward rules

To ensure that messages reach the desired destinations, you will have to specify some forwarding rules. These rules match incoming events and forward them to your targets of choice for further processing. To set up rules, navigate to Events > Rules in the menu and select the event bus you associated in the previous step. In this example, we will create two rules that match messages of type OrderCreated and forward them to separate SQS queues based on what country is specified in the shipping address.

Set up forwarding rules

In the Create rule editor you are able to specify a name for the rule and define what patterns EventBridge should match on for its filtering and forwarding. The editor also lets you test your pattern with example events. To forward messages based on the content of the message, select the Pre-defined pattern by service option. You can either choose to match All events or only match commercetools events by selecting commercetools from the Service partners list.

Define pattern

When you define a new pattern, you may want to look at some example messages to help you test that your rules match the events as expected. One possible way to do this is to create a forwarding rule to forward messages to a CloudWatch log group or an SQS queue and retrieve example messages from there once you know a corresponding event happened in the commercetools platform. With an example message at hand, you are able to test if your specific pattern would match the event. A shortened version of an OrderCreated message looks like this:

"version": "0",
"id": "2d63b273-6a8f-a23b-0dd2-7c6dd6bdcbfe",
"detail-type": "OrderCreated",
"source": "aws.partner/",
"account": "829229813951",
"time": "2021-10-19T08:40:45Z",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"resources": [],
"detail": {
"notificationType": "Message",
"projectKey": "commercetools-project-1",
"id": "d4d929cc-16c9-4757-bfcc-a887b99bf6bf",
"version": 1,
"sequenceNumber": 1,
"resource": {
"typeId": "order",
"id": "2bc22ce7-4c9f-4a84-a826-c5d1f873956f"
"resourceVersion": 1,
"resourceUserProvidedIdentifiers": {},
"type": "OrderCreated",
"order": {
"type": "Order",
"id": "2bc22ce7-4c9f-4a84-a826-c5d1f873956f",
"shippingAddress": {
"country": "DE"

Using the following snippet in the Event pattern editor, we match for events of type OrderCreated where the shipping address is in Germany:

"account": ["829229813951"],
"detail": {
"type": ["OrderCreated"],
"order": {
"shippingAddress": {
"country": ["DE"]

Configure targets to forward messages to

After you define the pattern to match on, you can specify the event bus which the rule should apply to and the target where the message should be forwarded to. In this example, we are forwarding a message to an SQS queue called commercetools-order-created-DE used for orders to Germany.

Select targets

You can continue to add additional rules that forward messages based on different criteria. We have created an additional rule to forward US order created messages to our commercetools-order-created-US queue.

Additional rules

Test your forwarding rules

To test that the forwarding rules are working as expected, create some test resources that match the event pattern you specified. For this example, we use the Merchant Center to create three test orders for different countries, one with a US, one with a German, and one with a UK shipping address.

Merchant Center order creation

By looking at the contents of our SQS queues and inspecting the messages, we are now able to verify that the correct messages have been delivered to the correct queues.

Messages available

With these rules in place, our event bus receives messages every time an order is created, but not when they are updated, or deleted in the commercetools platform. EventBridge will forward all messages of type OrderCreated with a shipping address in the US or to our commercetools-order-created-US queue and orders for Germany to our commercetools-order-created-DE queue. This architecture allows us to react to these events differently, for example notify the respective warehouses of a new order.

Further Learning

Check out tutorials by AWS for further tips and tutorials on working with EventBridge.