Build commerce applications with .NET Core platform.
About the DotNET Core SDK
The commercetools DotNET Core SDK enables you to communicate with the commercetools HTTP API. You do not need to create plain HTTP requests, but you can instead use the domain specific classes and methods to formulate valid requests.
DotNET Core SDK v2
We have rewritten this SDK as replacement for the previous version of the DotNET Core SDK. Its code is autogenerated which will give you faster support for newly released API features and quicker bug fixes.
DotNET Core SDK v1
The DotNET Core SDK with packages targeting .NET Standard 2.0 allows you to use the rich features of .NET.
Deprecation notice
According to our long-term support plan we fixed the following dates along deprecation of this SDK:
- Active Support phase ends 28 February 2022
- Maintenance Support phase ends 31 August 2022
- End of Life reached 1 September 2022
Please note that the autogenerated models can be used with DotNET Core SDK v1 as well.
Develop and deploy applications with the DotNET SDK, The SDK makes it easy to call commercetools platform APIs.