All Release Notes

Product discount Rule builder UI Controls

15 September 2017

Product discount Rule builder

Now you can easily apply Channel, Country, Currency, and Customer group rules to restrict your discount to only apply to specific Product prices in addition to any other condition or rule.

For example, you would like to create a 20 % discount for all shirts that cost over 50 euros for your VIP members. You would like this discount to only apply to your store in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Hamburg, Germany.


You can add a Channel rule for your Amsterdam and Hamburg store by searching for Amsterdam and Hamburg in your Channel input field. Screen Product Discount Rule builder Channel


And then search for the two associated countries: The Netherlands and Germany. Screen Product Discount Rule builder Country


To make sure that this discount only applies to Shirts with a price over 50 euros, you can add the rule for an amount of 50 and with euros as the currency. Screen Product Discount Rule builder Currency

Customer group

Finally, to make sure that this discount only applies to prices meant for your VIP members, you can easily select the VIP customer group. Screen Product Discunt Rule builder Customer group