All Release Notes

Changes in the GraphQL schema

12 July 2018
  • [GraphQL API] The following types were added in the GraphQL schema: AddCustomerAddress, AddCustomerBillingAddressId, AddCustomerShippingAddressId, Address, AddressContactInfo, AddressInput, AnonymousCartSignInMode, ChangeCustomerAddress, ChangeCustomerEmail, Customer, CustomerQueryResult, CustomerSignInDraft, CustomerSignInResult, CustomerSignMeInDraft, CustomerSignMeUpDraft, CustomerSignUpDraft, CustomerToken, CustomerUpdateAction, Me, MyCustomerUpdateAction, RemoveCustomerAddress, RemoveCustomerBillingAddressId, RemoveCustomerShippingAddressId, SetCustomerCompanyName, SetCustomerCustomField, SetCustomerCustomType, SetCustomerCustomerGroup, SetCustomerCustomerNumber, SetCustomerDateOfBirth, SetCustomerDefaultBillingAddress, SetCustomerDefaultShippingAddress, SetCustomerExternalId, SetCustomerFirstName, SetCustomerKey, SetCustomerLastName, SetCustomerLocale, SetCustomerMiddleName, SetCustomerSalutation, SetCustomerTitle, SetCustomerVatId.
  • [GraphQL API] Type Query was changed:
    • Field customer was added to Query type
    • Field customers was added to Query type
    • Field me was added to Query type
  • [GraphQL API] Type Mutation was changed:
    • Field customerCreatePasswordResetToken was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerCreateEmailVerificationToken was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerSignMeUp was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerConfirmEmail was added to Mutation type
    • Field deleteMyCustomer was added to Mutation type
    • Field deleteCustomer was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerResetMyPassword was added to Mutation type
    • Field updateMyCustomer was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerSignMeIn was added to Mutation type
    • Field updateCustomer was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerChangeMyPassword was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerChangePassword was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerResetPassword was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerConfirmMyEmail was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerSignIn was added to Mutation type
    • Field customerSignUp was added to Mutation type

The following changes were introduced in the GraphQL schema (in SDL format):

extend type Query {
"Queries a customer with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries a customer with specified key"
key: String,
"Queries a customer with specified email token"
emailToken: String,
"Queries a customer with specified password token"
passwordToken: String): Customer
customers(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): CustomerQueryResult!
This field can only be used with an access token created with the password flow or with an anonymous session.
It gives access to the data that is specific to the customer or the anonymous session linked to the access token.
me: Me
extend type Mutation {
customerChangeMyPassword(version: Long!, currentPassword: String!, newPassword: String!): Customer
customerChangePassword(id: String!, version: Long!, currentPassword: String!, newPassword: String!): Customer
"Verifies customer's email using a token."
customerConfirmEmail(version: Long, tokenValue: String!): Customer
customerConfirmMyEmail(tokenValue: String!): Customer
customerCreateEmailVerificationToken(id: String!, version: Long,
"The validity of the created token in minutes."
ttlMinutes: Int!): CustomerToken!
"The token value is used to reset the password of the customer with the given email. The token is valid only for 10 minutes."
customerCreatePasswordResetToken(email: String!,
"The validity of the created token in minutes."
ttlMinutes: Int): CustomerToken
customerResetMyPassword(tokenValue: String!, newPassword: String!): Customer
The following workflow can be used to reset the customer’s password:
1. Create a password reset token and send it embedded in a link to the customer.
2. When the customer clicks on the link, you may optionally retrieve customer by password token.
3. When the customer entered new password, use reset customer’s password to reset the password.
customerResetPassword(version: Long, tokenValue: String!, newPassword: String!): Customer
Retrieves the authenticated customer (a customer that matches the given email/password pair).
There may be carts and orders created before the sign in that should be assigned to the customer account. With the `anonymousCartId`, a single anonymous cart can be assigned. With the `anonymousId`, all orders and carts that have this `anonymousId` set will be assigned to the customer.
If both `anonymousCartId` and `anonymousId` are given, the anonymous cart must have the `anonymousId`.
Additionally, there might also exist one or more active customer carts from an earlier session. On customer sign in there are several ways how to proceed with this cart and the cart referenced by the `anonymousCartId`.
* If the customer does not have a cart yet, the anonymous cart becomes the customer's cart.
* If the customer already has one or more carts, the content of the anonymous cart will be copied to the customer's active cart that has been modified most recently.
In this case the `CartState` of the anonymous cart gets changed to `Merged` while the customer's cart remains the `Active` cart.
If a `LineItem` in the anonymous cart matches an existing line item, or a `CustomLineItem` matches an existing custom line item in the customer's cart, the maximum quantity of both line items is used as the new quantity.
`ItemShippingDetails` are copied from the item with the highest quantity.
If `itemShippingAddresses` are different in the two carts, the resulting cart contains the addresses of both the customer cart and the anonymous cart.
Note, that it is not possible to merge carts that differ in their currency (set during creation of the cart).
If a cart is is returned as part of the `CustomerSignInResult`, it has been recalculated (it will have up-to-date prices, taxes and discounts, and invalid line items have been removed).
customerSignIn(draft: CustomerSignInDraft!): CustomerSignInResult!
Retrieves the authenticated customer (a customer that matches the given email/password pair).
If used with an access token for Anonymous Sessions, all orders and carts belonging to the `anonymousId` will be assigned to the newly created customer.
* If the customer does not have a cart yet, the anonymous cart that was modified most recently becomes the customer's cart.
* If the customer already has a cart, the most recently modified anonymous cart will be handled according to the `AnonymousCartSignInMode`.
If a cart is is returned as part of the `CustomerSignInResult`, it has been recalculated (it will have up-to-date prices, taxes and discounts, and invalid line items have been removed).
customerSignMeIn(draft: CustomerSignMeInDraft!): CustomerSignInResult!
"If used with an access token for Anonymous Sessions, all orders and carts belonging to the anonymousId will be assigned to the newly created customer."
customerSignMeUp(draft: CustomerSignMeUpDraft!): CustomerSignInResult!
"Creates a customer. If an anonymous cart is given then the cart is assigned to the created customer and the version number of the Cart will increase. If the id of an anonymous session is given, all carts and orders will be assigned to the created customer."
customerSignUp(draft: CustomerSignUpDraft!): CustomerSignInResult!
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String, version: Long!, personalDataErasure: Boolean = false): Customer
deleteMyCustomer(version: Long!, personalDataErasure: Boolean = false): Customer
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String, version: Long!, actions: [CustomerUpdateAction!]!): Customer
updateMyCustomer(version: Long!, actions: [MyCustomerUpdateAction!]!): Customer
input AddCustomerAddress {
address: AddressInput!
input AddCustomerBillingAddressId {
addressId: String!
input AddCustomerShippingAddressId {
addressId: String!
"An address represents a a postal address."
type Address {
id: String
title: String
salutation: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
streetName: String
streetNumber: String
additionalStreetInfo: String
postalCode: String
city: String
region: String
state: String
country: Country!
company: String
department: String
building: String
apartment: String
pOBox: String
contactInfo: AddressContactInfo!
additionalAddressInfo: String
externalId: String
key: String
type AddressContactInfo {
phone: String
mobile: String
email: String
fax: String
input AddressInput {
id: String
title: String
salutation: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
streetName: String
streetNumber: String
additionalStreetInfo: String
postalCode: String
city: String
region: String
state: String
country: Country!
company: String
department: String
building: String
apartment: String
pOBox: String
phone: String
mobile: String
email: String
fax: String
additionalAddressInfo: String
key: String
enum AnonymousCartSignInMode {
"The anonymous cart is used as new active customer cart. No `LineItem`s get merged."
`LineItem`s of the anonymous cart will be copied to the customer’s active cart that has been modified most recently.
The `CartState` of the anonymous cart gets changed to `Merged` while the `CartState` of the customer’s cart remains `Active`.
`CustomLineItems` and `CustomFields` of the anonymous cart will not be copied to the customers cart.
If a `LineItem` in the anonymous cart matches an existing line item in the customer’s cart (same product ID and variant ID), the maximum quantity of both LineItems is used as the new quantity. In that case `CustomFields` on the `LineItem` of the anonymous cart will not be in the resulting `LineItem`.
input ChangeCustomerAddress {
addressId: String!
address: AddressInput!
input ChangeCustomerEmail {
email: String!
"A customer is a person purchasing products. Carts, Orders and Reviews can be associated to a customer."
type Customer implements Versioned {
id: String!
version: Long!
customerNumber: String
email: String!
password: String!
addresses: [Address!]!
defaultShippingAddressId: String
defaultBillingAddressId: String
shippingAddressIds: [String!]!
billingAddressIds: [String!]!
isEmailVerified: Boolean!
customerGroupRef: Reference
externalId: String
key: String
dateOfBirth: Date
companyName: String
vatId: String
createdAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastMessageSequenceNumber: Long!
firstName: String
lastName: String
middleName: String
title: String
locale: Locale
salutation: String
customerGroup: CustomerGroup
defaultShippingAddress: Address
defaultBillingAddress: Address
shippingAddresses: [Address!]!
billingAddresses: [Address!]!
"This field contains non-typed data. Consider using `customFields` as a typed alternative."
The names of the custom fields to include.
If neither `includeNames` nor `excludeNames` are provided, then all custom fields are returned.
includeNames: [String!],
The names of the custom fields to exclude.
If neither `includeNames` nor `excludeNames` are provided, then all custom fields are returned.
excludeNames: [String!]): [RawCustomField!]
"Custom fields"
customFields: Type
"Custom fields are returned as a list instead of an object structure."
The names of the custom fields to include.
If neither `includeNames` nor `excludeNames` are provided, then all attributes are returned.
includeNames: [String!],
The names of the custom fields to exclude.
If neither `includeNames` nor `excludeNames` are provided, then all attributes are returned.
excludeNames: [String!]): [CustomField!]
type CustomerQueryResult {
offset: Int!
count: Int!
total: Long!
results: [Customer!]!
input CustomerSignInDraft {
email: String!
password: String!
anonymousCartId: String
anonymousCartSignInMode: AnonymousCartSignInMode = MergeWithExistingCustomerCart
anonymousId: String
updateProductData: Boolean = false
type CustomerSignInResult {
customer: Customer!
input CustomerSignMeInDraft {
email: String!
password: String!
activeCartSignInMode: AnonymousCartSignInMode = MergeWithExistingCustomerCart
updateProductData: Boolean = false
input CustomerSignMeUpDraft {
email: String!
password: String!
firstName: String
lastName: String
middleName: String
title: String
dateOfBirth: Date
companyName: String
vatId: String
addresses: [AddressInput!] = []
"The index of the address in the `addresses` list. The `defaultBillingAddressId` of the customer will be set to the ID of that address."
defaultBillingAddress: Int
"The index of the address in the `addresses` list. The `defaultShippingAddressId` of the customer will be set to the ID of that address."
defaultShippingAddress: Int
"The indices of the shipping addresses in the `addresses` list. The `shippingAddressIds` of the `Customer` will be set to the IDs of that addresses."
shippingAddresses: [Int!] = []
"The indices of the billing addresses in the `addresses` list. The `billingAddressIds` of the customer will be set to the IDs of that addresses."
billingAddresses: [Int!] = []
custom: CustomFieldsDraft
locale: Locale
salutation: String
key: String
input CustomerSignUpDraft {
email: String!
password: String!
firstName: String
lastName: String
middleName: String
title: String
dateOfBirth: Date
companyName: String
vatId: String
addresses: [AddressInput!] = []
"The index of the address in the `addresses` list. The `defaultBillingAddressId` of the customer will be set to the ID of that address."
defaultBillingAddress: Int
"The index of the address in the `addresses` list. The `defaultShippingAddressId` of the customer will be set to the ID of that address."
defaultShippingAddress: Int
"The indices of the shipping addresses in the `addresses` list. The `shippingAddressIds` of the `Customer` will be set to the IDs of that addresses."
shippingAddresses: [Int!] = []
"The indices of the billing addresses in the `addresses` list. The `billingAddressIds` of the customer will be set to the IDs of that addresses."
billingAddresses: [Int!] = []
custom: CustomFieldsDraft
locale: Locale
salutation: String
key: String
customerNumber: String
anonymousCartId: String
externalId: String
customerGroup: ResourceIdentifierInput
isEmailVerified: Boolean
anonymousId: String
type CustomerToken {
id: String!
customerId: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
expiresAt: DateTime!
value: String!
input CustomerUpdateAction {
setFirstName: SetCustomerFirstName
setLastName: SetCustomerLastName
setMiddleName: SetCustomerMiddleName
setTitle: SetCustomerTitle
setSalutation: SetCustomerSalutation
changeEmail: ChangeCustomerEmail
addAddress: AddCustomerAddress
setCustomerGroup: SetCustomerCustomerGroup
changeAddress: ChangeCustomerAddress
removeAddress: RemoveCustomerAddress
setDefaultShippingAddress: SetCustomerDefaultShippingAddress
setDefaultBillingAddress: SetCustomerDefaultBillingAddress
addShippingAddressId: AddCustomerShippingAddressId
removeShippingAddressId: RemoveCustomerShippingAddressId
addBillingAddressId: AddCustomerBillingAddressId
removeBillingAddressId: RemoveCustomerBillingAddressId
setCustomerNumber: SetCustomerCustomerNumber
setExternalId: SetCustomerExternalId
setDateOfBirth: SetCustomerDateOfBirth
setCompanyName: SetCustomerCompanyName
setVatId: SetCustomerVatId
setLocale: SetCustomerLocale
setKey: SetCustomerKey
setCustomType: SetCustomerCustomType
setCustomField: SetCustomerCustomField
type Me {
customer: Customer
input MyCustomerUpdateAction {
setFirstName: SetCustomerFirstName
setLastName: SetCustomerLastName
setMiddleName: SetCustomerMiddleName
setTitle: SetCustomerTitle
setSalutation: SetCustomerSalutation
changeEmail: ChangeCustomerEmail
addAddress: AddCustomerAddress
changeAddress: ChangeCustomerAddress
removeAddress: RemoveCustomerAddress
setDefaultShippingAddress: SetCustomerDefaultShippingAddress
setDefaultBillingAddress: SetCustomerDefaultBillingAddress
addShippingAddressId: AddCustomerShippingAddressId
removeShippingAddressId: RemoveCustomerShippingAddressId
addBillingAddressId: AddCustomerBillingAddressId
removeBillingAddressId: RemoveCustomerBillingAddressId
setDateOfBirth: SetCustomerDateOfBirth
setCompanyName: SetCustomerCompanyName
setVatId: SetCustomerVatId
setLocale: SetCustomerLocale
setCustomType: SetCustomerCustomType
setCustomField: SetCustomerCustomField
input RemoveCustomerAddress {
addressId: String!
input RemoveCustomerBillingAddressId {
addressId: String!
input RemoveCustomerShippingAddressId {
addressId: String!
input SetCustomerCompanyName {
companyName: String
input SetCustomerCustomField {
name: String!
value: String
input SetCustomerCustomType {
typeId: String
typeKey: String
type: ResourceIdentifierInput
fields: [CustomFieldInput!]
input SetCustomerCustomerGroup {
customerGroup: ResourceIdentifierInput
input SetCustomerCustomerNumber {
customerNumber: String
input SetCustomerDateOfBirth {
dateOfBirth: Date
input SetCustomerDefaultBillingAddress {
addressId: String
input SetCustomerDefaultShippingAddress {
addressId: String
input SetCustomerExternalId {
externalId: String
input SetCustomerFirstName {
firstName: String
input SetCustomerKey {
key: String
input SetCustomerLastName {
lastName: String
input SetCustomerLocale {
locale: Locale
input SetCustomerMiddleName {
middleName: String
input SetCustomerSalutation {
salutation: String
input SetCustomerTitle {
title: String
input SetCustomerVatId {
vatId: String