All Release Notes

Improvements in GraphQL API coverage

16 February 2018

GraphQL API surface area was extended and now includes a lot of new query fields and types, as well as experimental mutation support.

  • [GraphQL API] Added support for DiscountCode, CartDiscount and ProductDiscount. Following changes were introduced in the GraphQL schema:

    extend type Query {
    discountCode(id: String!): DiscountCode
    discountCodes(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): DiscountCodeQueryResult!
    cartDiscount(id: String!): CartDiscount
    cartDiscounts(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): CartDiscountQueryResult!
    productDiscount(id: String!): ProductDiscount
    productDiscounts(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): ProductDiscountQueryResult!
    interface CartDiscountTarget {
    type: String!
    interface CartDiscountValue {
    type: String!
    interface ProductDiscountValue {
    type: String!
    type AbsoluteDiscountValue implements CartDiscountValue, ProductDiscountValue {
    money: [Money!]!
    type: String!
    type CartDiscount implements Versioned {
    id: String!
    version: Long!
    cartPredicate: String!
    validFrom: DateTime
    validUntil: DateTime
    stackingMode: StackingMode!
    isActive: Boolean!
    requiresDiscountCode: Boolean!
    sortOrder: String!
    createdAt: DateTime!
    lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    nameAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
    descriptionAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    value: CartDiscountValue!
    target: CartDiscountTarget
    type CartDiscountQueryResult {
    offset: Int!
    count: Int!
    total: Long!
    results: [CartDiscount!]!
    type DiscountCode implements Versioned {
    id: String!
    version: Long!
    code: String!
    isActive: Boolean!
    maxApplications: Long
    maxApplicationsPerCustomer: Long
    cartPredicate: String
    applicationVersion: Long
    createdAt: DateTime!
    lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
    validFrom: DateTime
    validUntil: DateTime
    groups: [String!]!
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    nameAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    descriptionAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    cartDiscounts: [CartDiscount!]!
    type DiscountCodeQueryResult {
    offset: Int!
    count: Int!
    total: Long!
    results: [DiscountCode!]!
    type ExternalDiscountValue implements ProductDiscountValue {
    type: String!
    type LineItemsTarget implements CartDiscountTarget {
    predicate: String!
    type: String!
    type MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTarget implements CartDiscountTarget {
    predicate: String!
    triggerQuantity: Int!
    discountedQuantity: Int!
    maxOccurrence: Int
    selectionMode: SelectionMode!
    type: String!
    type MultiBuyLineItemsTarget implements CartDiscountTarget {
    predicate: String!
    triggerQuantity: Int!
    discountedQuantity: Int!
    maxOccurrence: Int
    selectionMode: SelectionMode!
    type: String!
    type ProductDiscount implements Versioned {
    id: String!
    version: Long!
    predicate: String!
    validFrom: DateTime
    validUntil: DateTime
    isActive: Boolean!
    isValid: Boolean!
    sortOrder: String!
    createdAt: DateTime!
    lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    nameAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
    descriptionAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    value: ProductDiscountValue!
    type ProductDiscountQueryResult {
    offset: Int!
    count: Int!
    total: Long!
    results: [ProductDiscount!]!
    type RelativeDiscountValue implements CartDiscountValue, ProductDiscountValue {
    permyriad: Int!
    type: String!
  • [GraphQL API] Added support for Type and CustomFields. Custom fields support is very similar to product attributes where the type-safe GraphQL models are created for project-specific Type definitions. At the moment custom fields are available only on the DiscountCode and the CartDiscount. Following changes were introduced in the GraphQL schema:

    extend type Query {
    typeDefinition(id: String!): TypeDefinition
    typeDefinitions(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): TypeDefinitionQueryResult!
    interface CustomField {
    name: String!
    interface FieldType {
    name: String!
    type BooleanField implements CustomField {
    value: Boolean!
    name: String!
    type BooleanType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    type DateField implements CustomField {
    value: Date!
    name: String!
    type DateTimeField implements CustomField {
    value: DateTime!
    name: String!
    type DateTimeType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    type DateType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    type EnumField implements CustomField {
    key: String!
    label: String!
    name: String!
    type EnumType implements FieldType {
    values: [EnumValue!]!
    name: String!
    type EnumValue {
    key: String!
    label: String!
    "Field definitions describe custom fields and allow you to define some meta-information associated with the field."
    type FieldDefinition {
    name: String!
    required: Boolean!
    inputHint: TextInputHint!
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    labelAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
    type: FieldType!
    type LocalizedEnumField implements CustomField {
    key: String!
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale!): String
    name: String!
    type LocalizedEnumType implements FieldType {
    values: [LocalizedEnumValue!]!
    name: String!
    type LocalizedEnumValue {
    key: String!
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    labelAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
    type LocalizedString {
    locale: Locale!
    value: String!
    type LocalizedStringField implements CustomField {
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale!): String
    name: String!
    type LocalizedStringType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    type MoneyField implements CustomField {
    centAmount: Long!
    currencyCode: Currency!
    name: String!
    type MoneyType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    type NumberField implements CustomField {
    value: BigDecimal!
    name: String!
    type NumberType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    type ProductReferenceIdentifier {
    typeId: String!
    id: String
    key: String
    type ReferenceField implements CustomField {
    typeId: String!
    id: String!
    name: String!
    type ReferenceType implements FieldType {
    referenceTypeId: String!
    name: String!
    type SetType implements FieldType {
    elementType: FieldType!
    name: String!
    type ShippingTarget implements CartDiscountTarget {
    type: String!
    type StringField implements CustomField {
    value: String!
    name: String!
    type StringType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    type TimeField implements CustomField {
    value: Time!
    name: String!
    type TimeType implements FieldType {
    name: String!
    "Types define the structure of custom fields which can be attached to different entities throughout the platform."
    type TypeDefinition implements Versioned {
    id: String!
    version: Long!
    key: String!
    fieldDefinitions: [FieldDefinition!]!
    createdAt: DateTime!
    lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    "String is define for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,
    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
    nameAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
    descriptionAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    resourceTypeIds: [String!]!
    type TypeDefinitionQueryResult {
    offset: Int!
    count: Int!
    total: Long!
    results: [TypeDefinition!]!
  • [GraphQL API] Added support for DiscountCode mutation API. Please note that currently mutation API is experimental and subject to change. Following changes were introduced in the GraphQL schema:

    type Mutation {
    createDiscountCode(draft: DiscountCodeDraft!): DiscountCode
    updateDiscountCode(id: String!, version: Long!, actions: [DiscountCodeUpdateAction!]!): DiscountCode
    deleteDiscountCode(id: String!, version: Long!): DiscountCode
    input ChangeDiscountCodeCartDiscounts {
    cartDiscounts: [ReferenceInput!]!
    input ChangeDiscountCodeGroups {
    groups: [String!]!
    input ChangeDiscountCodeIsActive {
    isActive: Boolean!
    input CustomFieldInput {
    name: String!
    value: String!
    input CustomFieldsDraft {
    typeId: String
    typeKey: String
    type: ResourceIdentifierInput
    fields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    input DiscountCodeDraft {
    code: String!
    name: [LocalizedStringInput!]
    description: [LocalizedStringInput!]
    cartDiscounts: [ReferenceInput!]!
    isActive: Boolean = true
    maxApplications: Long
    maxApplicationsPerCustomer: Long
    cartPredicate: String
    custom: CustomFieldsDraft
    validFrom: DateTime
    validUntil: DateTime
    groups: [String!] = []
    input DiscountCodeUpdateAction {
    setName: SetDiscountCodeName
    setDescription: SetDiscountCodeDescription
    setCartPredicate: SetDiscountCodeCartPredicate
    setMaxApplications: SetDiscountCodeMaxApplications
    setMaxApplicationsPerCustomer: SetDiscountCodeMaxApplicationsPerCustomer
    changeCartDiscounts: ChangeDiscountCodeCartDiscounts
    changeIsActive: ChangeDiscountCodeIsActive
    setCustomType: SetDiscountCodeCustomType
    setCustomField: SetDiscountCodeCustomField
    setValidFrom: SetDiscountCodeValidFrom
    setValidUntil: SetDiscountCodeValidUntil
    changeGroups: ChangeDiscountCodeGroups
    input LocalizedStringInput {
    locale: Locale!
    value: String!
    input LocalizedText {
    text: String!
    locale: Locale!
    input ReferenceInput {
    typeId: String!
    id: String!
    input ResourceIdentifierInput {
    id: String
    key: String
    input SetDiscountCodeCartPredicate {
    cartPredicate: String
    input SetDiscountCodeCustomField {
    name: String!
    value: String
    input SetDiscountCodeCustomType {
    typeId: String
    typeKey: String
    type: ResourceIdentifierInput
    fields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    input SetDiscountCodeDescription {
    description: [LocalizedStringInput!]
    input SetDiscountCodeMaxApplications {
    maxApplications: Long
    input SetDiscountCodeMaxApplicationsPerCustomer {
    maxApplicationsPerCustomer: Long
    input SetDiscountCodeName {
    name: [LocalizedStringInput!]
    input SetDiscountCodeValidFrom {
    validFrom: DateTime
    input SetDiscountCodeValidUntil {
    validUntil: DateTime