All Release Notes

Payment API deprecating fields

29 September 2017

As part of a Beta improvement initiative, the Payment API has been updated deprecating a series of fields.

  • [API] externalId in PaymentDraft, Payment as well as under Update Payment
    This field has been deprecated because the interfaceId can be used for the ID set by the Payment Service Provider (PSP), and the newly introduced key field has taken over the role of externalID.
  • [API] amountAuthorized, amountPaid and amountRefunded in PaymentDraft, Payment as well as under Update Payment
    These fields have been deprecated because their value can be calculated from the total amounts saved in the Transactions.
    • Example 1: Two transactions, one with type:Charge, state:Success and amount:2$ and another one with type:Charge, state:Success and amount:3$. The amountPaid is 5$.
    • Example 2: Two transactions, one with type:Charge, state:Failure and amount:2$ and another one with type:Charge, state:Success and amount:3$. The amountPaid is 3$.
    • Example 3: Two transactions, one with type:Charge, state:Success and amount:3$ and another one with type:Refund, state:Success and amount:2$. The amountPaid is 3$. The amountRefunded is 2$.
  • [API] authorizedUntil in PaymentDraft, Payment as well as under Update Payment
    We learned the field is of little practical value, as it is either not reliably known, or the authorization time is fixed for a PSP.
  • [API] paymentId in PaymentStatusInterfaceCodeSetMessage
    This field has been deprecated because the id in the resource field can be used instead.
  • [API] TransactionType previously had uppercase values like AUTHORIZATION, CHARGE etc. These are deprecated.

Furthermore, another TransactionState has been added.

  • [API] The Initial TransactionState has been added. It is used when the PSP has not accepted the transaction yet (including if the PSP has not been contacted yet). The existing Pending state is from now on used when the PSP has accepted the transaction, but it is not completed yet.
    In the future, we will change the default state value in the TransactionDraft to Initial. Do not depend on the default value! Please set the state field explicitly as soon as possible.